Package python-tools-2to3: Information

    Binary package: python-tools-2to3
    Version: 2.7.18-alt4
    Architecture: armh
    Build time:  Feb 25, 2021, 11:54 AM in the task #266950
    Source package: python
    Report package bug
    License: Python-2.0
    Summary: Automated Python 2 to 3 code translator
    This package contains utility for automated Python 2 to 3 code translation.
    2to3 is a Python program that reads Python 2.x source code and applies a series
    of fixers to transform it into valid Python 3.x code.

    Last changed

    Feb. 25, 2021 Vladimir D. Seleznev 2.7.18-alt4
    - python-dev: Removed dependency to libnsl2-devel (close #39727).
    - Built without libnsl LDFLAGS.
    Dec. 21, 2020 Vladimir D. Seleznev 2.7.18-alt3
    - Fixed FTBFS:
      + Removed python-modules-nis subpackages (NIS is obsoleted by glibc) and
        obsoleted it by python-modules;
      + Removed self-provides;
      + Do not lose %SOURCE20.
    Nov. 19, 2020 Vladimir D. Seleznev 2.7.18-alt2
    - Fixed CVE-2019-20907 and CVE-2019-CVE-2020-26116.