Maintainer Dmitriy Voropaev in the sisyphus branch: Information

Maintainer name: Dmitriy Voropaev (voropaevdmtr)
Built source packages in this branch: 11

Last changes

Apr 3, 2023, 02:38 PM

#317940 sent by Dmitriy Voropaev

A pure-Python implementation of the HTTP/2 priority tree
Mar 13, 2023, 04:58 PM

#316694 sent by Dmitriy Voropaev

Avro is a serialization and RPC framework
Feb 17, 2023, 02:01 PM

#315351 sent by Dmitriy Voropaev

What The Patch!? -- A Python patch parsing library
Oct 22, 2021, 03:43 PM

#287658 sent by Dmitriy Voropaev

Workaround for xfreerdp with OpenUDS on Baikal-M
Apr 23, 2021, 01:08 PM

#270473 sent by Dmitriy Voropaev

An Interpreted Object-Oriented Scripting Language
Apr 8, 2021, 01:43 PM

#269201 sent by Dmitriy Voropaev

Program for controlling the MiniPRO TL866xx series of chip programmers
Apr 7, 2021, 11:06 AM

#268974 sent by Dmitriy Voropaev

Program for controlling the MiniPRO TL866xx series of chip programmers
Apr 6, 2021, 05:55 PM

#268972 sent by Dmitriy Voropaev

Colorize your text in the terminal.
EventMachine based WebSocket server
Forwardable with hash, and instance variable extensions.
Lightweight and flexible library for writing command-line apps in Ruby.
Almost like Pathname but just a little less insane.
Simple, feature rich ascii table generation library
This is a parser for kramdown that converts Markdown documents in the GFM dialect to HTML.
kramdown is a fast, pure Ruby Markdown superset converter
Rebuild your Jekyll site when a file changes with the `--watch` switch.
A basic Sass converter for Jekyll.
Jekyll is a simple, blog-aware, static site generator.