Package aarddict: Specfile

Name: aarddict
Version: 0.9.3
Release: alt1
Summary: Aard Dictionary is a multiplatform dictionary and offline Wikipedia reader

Packager: Ildar Mulyukov <>

BuildArch: noarch
Group: System/Internationalization
License: GPL3

Source: %name.tar
Source1: %name.desktop

# Automatically added by buildreq on Mon Apr 01 2013
# optimized out: python-base python-devel python-modules python-modules-compiler python-modules-email python-modules-logging
BuildRequires: python-module-distribute python-module-PyQt4

Aard Dictionary is a free, fast, easy to use word lookup program that

* looks up words fast even with huge dictionaries like English Wikipedia
* looks up words in multiple dictionaries in multiple languages without switching
* works great as offline Wikipedia reader
* is keyboard navigation friendly
* has efficient, highly compressed dictionary data storage format with ability to verify data integrity built-in

%setup -n %name


%python_install --install-lib %python_sitelibdir --record=INSTALLED_FILES
install -D %SOURCE1 %buildroot%_desktopdir

%doc doc/*
%exclude %python_sitelibdir/tests

* Mon Apr 01 2013 Ildar Mulyukov <> 0.9.3-alt1
- initial build for ALT Linux Sisyphus