Package amphetamine: Specfile

Name: amphetamine
Version: 0.8.10
Release: alt6

%define dataver 0.8.6

Summary: Amphetamine is a cool Jump'n Run game
License: GPL
Group: Games/Arcade

Source0: %name-%version.tar.bz2
Source1: %name-data-%dataver.tar.bz2
Source2: %name-icons.tar.bz2
Source3: amphetamine.desktop
Patch:   amphetamine-%version-eols_at_eofs.patch.bz2
Packager: Michael Shigorin <>

# Automatically added by buildreq on Sun Oct 05 2008
BuildRequires: gcc-c++ libSDL-devel libXpm-devel libXt-devel

Summary(ru_RU.UTF-8): Amphetamine -- забавная бродилка

Amphetamine is a 2D jump'n'run shooter in the tradition of Super Mario Bros
and other classics. But it has unique features:
   - Fast 256 colour graphics
   - Seven weapons: fight with arrow and bow, a scie, fire hands, etc.
   - Never seen graphics (in this genre) such as coronas (remember Unreal),
     dynamic coloured lightning, fogging, semitransparence and much more...
   - Raging fights against 11 bloodsucking monsters which themselves have
     several killing powers.
   - Cryptic labyrinths - definitely not boring shoot'em'up!

%description -l ru_RU.UTF-8
Amphetamine -- двумерная бродилка в стиле Super Mario Bros и подобной классики.
Уникальные особенности:
   - Быстрая 256-цветная графика
   - Семь видов оружия
   - Невиданные (для этого жанра) эффекты вроде сияния (помните Unreal?),
     динамического освещения, дымки, полупрозрачности и многого другого...
   - Схватки с 11-ю видами противников, которые и сами способны уложить вас
     более чем одним способом
   - Загадочные лабиринты -- определенно не тупая стрелялка!

%setup -a2
%patch -p1

sed -i -e 's,/usr/local,%_datadir,g' -e 's,-O9,-O3,' Makefile
sed -i -e 's,/usr/local,%_datadir,g' src/System.hpp


mkdir -p %buildroot{%_gamesdatadir,%_menudir}
tar -C %buildroot%_gamesdatadir -jxf %SOURCE1

install -pD -c -s amph %buildroot%_gamesbindir/amph
install -pD amph.xpm %buildroot%_niconsdir/%name.xpm
install -pD amphetamine-icons/amph-16.png %buildroot%_liconsdir/%name.png
install -pD amphetamine-icons/amph-32.png %buildroot%_niconsdir/%name.png
install -pD amphetamine-icons/amph-48.png %buildroot%_miconsdir/%name.png
install -pD %SOURCE3 %buildroot%_desktopdir/%name.desktop


* Wed Jul 26 2017 Michael Shigorin <> 0.8.10-alt6
- E2K: -O9 is an error
- dropped stale Url: (looks like there's none by now)
- converted spec to UTF-8

* Sun Jul 26 2009 Michael Shigorin <> 0.8.10-alt5
- applied repocop patch

* Thu Dec 04 2008 Michael Shigorin <> 0.8.10-alt4
- applied repocop patch

* Sun Oct 05 2008 Michael Shigorin <> 0.8.10-alt3
- fixed build requires
- fixed broken description translations' charset
- replaced debian menufile with debian freedesktop file
- spec cleanup

* Fri Mar 28 2008 Sergey Balbeko <> 0.8.10-alt2
- Rebuild with xorg & etc.

* Wed Oct 19 2005 Michael Shigorin <> 0.8.10-alt1
- updated Url
- removed COPYING, INSTALL (package has all the needed info)
- added menu icons (#4709); thanks Anton Farygin (rider@)
- spec cleanup

* Tue Jan 18 2005 ALT QA Team Robot <> 0.8.10-alt0.2.1
- Rebuilt with

* Sat Nov 09 2002 Michael Shigorin <> 0.8.10-alt0.2
- initial build for ALT Linux