Package codium: Information

    Source package: codium
    Latest version according to Repology
    Build time:  Feb 5, 2025, 10:58 PM in the task #372908
    Report package bug
    License: MIT
    Summary: Visual Studio Code without MS branding/telemetry/licensing
    Community-driven, freely-licensed binary distribution of Microsoft's editor VSCode
    without MS branding/telemetry/licensing.
    Visual Studio Code is a new choice of tool that combines the simplicity
    of a code editor with what developers need for the core edit-build-debug cycle.
    See FAQ at .

    List of RPM packages built from this SRPM:
    codium (x86_64, aarch64)

    Maintainer: Semen Fomchenkov

    Semen Fomchenkov

      1. at-spi2-atk
      2. electron29
      3. libX11
      4. libXcomposite
      5. libXdamage
      6. libXext
      7. libXfixes
      8. libXrandr
      9. libalsa
      10. libat-spi2-core
      11. libatk
      12. libcairo
      13. libcups
      14. libdbus
      15. libdrm
      16. libexpat
      17. libgbm
      18. libgdk-pixbuf
      19. libgio
      20. libgtk+3
      21. libnspr
      22. libnss
      23. libpango
      24. libsecret
      25. libxcb
      26. libxkbcommon
      27. libxkbfile

    Last changed

    Feb. 1, 2025 Semen Fomchenkov
    - add Wayland support (Closes: 47792)
    - add appstream-data (Closes: 52900)
    - remove gitlab-ci dependency (Closes: 52896)
    - new .svg icon instead of the old .png
    - add Vcs tag to spec-file (Closes: 52899)
    Jan. 30, 2025 Semen Fomchenkov
    - new version ( (Closes: 50953, 52311)
    - drop arm-32bit version
    Sept. 10, 2023 Evgeniy Kukhtinov
    - new version ( (Closes: 46710)