Package cvsps: Specfile

Name: cvsps
Version: 2.2
Release: alt0.1

Summary: A patchset tool for CVS
License: GPL
Group: Development/Other

# git://
Source: %name-%version-%release.tar

Requires: cvs
BuildRequires: zlib-devel

CVSps is a program for generating 'patchset' information from a CVS
repository.  A patchset in this case is defined as a set of changes
made to a collection of files, and all committed at the same time
(using a single 'cvs commit' command).  This information is valuable
to seeing the big picture of the evolution of a cvs project.  While
cvs tracks revision information, it is often difficult to see what
changes were committed 'atomically' to the repository.

%setup -n %name-%version-%release

%make_build CFLAGS='%optflags'

install -pD -m755 cvsps %buildroot%_bindir/cvsps
install -pD -m644 cvsps.1 %buildroot%_man1dir/cvsps.1


* Thu Apr 18 2013 Dmitry V. Levin <> 2.2-alt0.1
- Merged branch 'master' of git://
- Merged Fedora fixes.

* Sat Apr 07 2007 Dmitry V. Levin <> 2.1-alt2
- Merged branch 'master' of
- Fixed compilation warnings.

* Fri Nov 25 2005 Dmitry V. Levin <> 2.1-alt1
- Initial revision.