Package e17: Information

Danger alert: Package removed from sisyphus repository

Removed in the task: #110298
Package removed: Yuri N. Sedunov
Deletion date: Dec. 10, 2013
    Source package: e17
    Version: 0.17.5-alt1
    Build time:  Nov 9, 2013, 07:29 PM in the task #108180
    Report package bug
    License: BSD
    Summary: The Enlightenment window manager
    Enlightenment is a window manager.
    E-17 is a non-stable Enlightenment version from CVS.

    List of RPM packages built from this SRPM:
    e17 (x86_64, i586)
    e17-debuginfo (x86_64, i586)
    e17-devel (x86_64, i586)
    e17-gnome (noarch)

    Maintainer: Yuri N. Sedunov

      1. pm-utils
      2. libalsa-devel
      3. libecore-devel >= 1.7.9
      4. libedbus-devel
      5. libedje-devel
      6. libeet-devel >= 1.7.9
      7. libeet-utils
      8. libeeze-devel
      9. libefreet-devel
      10. libeina-devel
      11. libeio-devel >= 1.7.9
      12. libelementary-devel
      13. libp11-kit-devel
      14. libpam-devel
      15. libudev-devel
      16. libembryo-devel
      17. libemotion-devel
      18. libevas-devel
      19. doxygen
      20. edje
      21. eeze
      22. embryo_cc
      23. libX11-devel
      24. libxcbutil-keysyms-devel
      25. libXext-devel
      26. libdbus-devel

    Last changed

    Nov. 8, 2013 Yuri N. Sedunov 1:0.17.5-alt1
    - 1.7.5
    Oct. 23, 2013 Yuri N. Sedunov 1:0.17.4-alt2
    - git snapshot (b23cebb26)
    Sept. 6, 2013 Yuri N. Sedunov 1:0.17.4-alt1.1
    - sysactions.conf: don't use systemctl for poweroff and reboot