Package fonts-otf-astigmatic-grand-hotel: Information

    Source package: fonts-otf-astigmatic-grand-hotel
    Version: 1.000-alt1_15
    Latest version according to Repology
    Build time:  Feb 7, 2022, 03:51 AM in the task #294882
    Report package bug
    License: OFL
    Summary: Script retro style fonts
    Grand Hotel finds its inspiration from the title screen of the 1937 film a.'Cafe
    Metropolea.' starring Tyrone Power. This condensed upright connecting script has
    a classic vibe to it.
    It has a wonderful weight to it that feels subtly tied to Holiday and Bakery
    themed designs, even though it can work outside that genre.

    List of RPM packages built from this SRPM:
    fonts-otf-astigmatic-grand-hotel (noarch)

    Maintainer: Igor Vlasenko

    List of contributors:
    Igor Vlasenko

    Igor Vlasenko

      1. rpm-build-fedora-compat-fonts
      2. rpm-build-fonts
      3. rpm-macros-fedora-compat
      4. rpm-macros-fonts
      5. unzip

    Last changed

    Feb. 7, 2022 Igor Vlasenko 1.000-alt1_15
    - update to new release by fcimport
    Oct. 22, 2017 Igor Vlasenko 1.000-alt1_5
    - new version