Package freedroidrpg: Information

    Source package: freedroidrpg
    Latest version according to Repology
    Build time:  Dec 24, 2024, 06:39 PM in the task #363049
    Category: Games/Arcade
    Report package bug
    License: GPLv2
    Summary: Isometric action game with RPG elements
    Interesting Diablo-like game featuring The Tux as the main character.

    List of RPM packages built from this SRPM:
    freedroidrpg (x86_64, ppc64le, i586, aarch64)
    freedroidrpg-data (noarch)
    freedroidrpg-debuginfo (x86_64, ppc64le, i586, aarch64)
    freedroidrpg-tools (x86_64, ppc64le, i586, aarch64)
    freedroidrpg-tools-debuginfo (x86_64, ppc64le, i586, aarch64)

    Maintainer: Sergey Gvozdetskiy

    Grigory Ustinov

      1. libGLU-devel
      2. libSDL-devel
      3. libSDL_gfx-devel
      4. libSDL_image-devel
      5. libSDL_mixer-devel
      6. libSDL_net-devel
      7. libvorbis-devel
      8. rpm-build-python3
      9. libjpeg-devel
      10. pkgconfig(SDL_ttf)
      11. pkgconfig(glew)
      12. pkgconfig(lua-5.3)
      13. libpng-devel
      14. zlib-devel

    Last changed

    Dec. 16, 2024 Sergey Gvozdetskiy
    - NMU: Version 1.0 from ref 85156e2 build for Sisyphus (Closes #50551).
    March 29, 2021 Grigory Ustinov 0.16.1-alt3
    - Fixed FTBFS with upstream patches.
    - Fixed license tag.
    March 27, 2020 Andrey Bychkov 0.16.1-alt2
    - Porting to python3.