Package gem-rails: Information

    Source package: gem-rails
    Latest version according to Repology
    Build time:  Aug 23, 2024, 01:07 PM in the task #355564
    Category: Development/Ruby
    Report package bug
    License: MIT
    Summary: Ruby on Rails
    Ruby on Rails is a full-stack web framework optimized for programmer happiness
    and sustainable productivity. It encourages beautiful code by favoring
    convention over configuration.

    List of RPM packages built from this SRPM:
    gem-actioncable (noarch)
    gem-actioncable-devel (noarch)
    gem-actioncable-doc (noarch)
    gem-actionmailbox (noarch)
    gem-actionmailbox-devel (noarch)
    gem-actionmailbox-doc (noarch)
    gem-actionmailer (noarch)
    gem-actionmailer-devel (noarch)
    gem-actionmailer-doc (noarch)
    gem-actionpack (noarch)
    gem-actionpack-devel (noarch)
    gem-actionpack-doc (noarch)
    gem-actiontext (noarch)
    gem-actiontext-devel (noarch)
    gem-actiontext-doc (noarch)
    gem-actionview (noarch)
    gem-actionview-devel (noarch)
    gem-actionview-doc (noarch)
    gem-activejob (noarch)
    gem-activejob-devel (noarch)
    gem-activejob-doc (noarch)
    gem-activemodel (noarch)
    gem-activemodel-devel (noarch)
    gem-activemodel-doc (noarch)
    gem-activerecord (noarch)
    gem-activerecord-devel (noarch)
    gem-activerecord-doc (noarch)
    gem-activestorage (noarch)
    gem-activestorage-devel (noarch)
    gem-activestorage-doc (noarch)
    gem-activesupport (noarch)
    gem-activesupport-devel (noarch)
    gem-activesupport-doc (noarch)
    gem-rails (noarch)
    gem-rails-devel (noarch)
    gem-railties (noarch)
    gem-railties-devel (noarch)
    gem-railties-doc (noarch)
    rails (noarch)

    Pavel Skrylev

      1. gem(aws-sdk-s3) >= 0
      2. gem(aws-sdk-sns) >= 0
      3. gem(azure-storage-blob) >= 0
      4. gem(backburner) >= 0
      5. gem(bcrypt) >= 3.1.11
      6. gem(benchmark-ips) >= 0
      7. gem(blade) >= 0
      8. gem(blade-sauce_labs_plugin) >= 0
      9. gem(bootsnap) >= 1.4.4
      10. gem(builder) >= 3.1
      11. gem(bundler) >= 1.15.0
      12. gem(byebug) >= 0
      13. gem(capybara) >= 3.26
      14. gem(concurrent-ruby) >= 1.0.2
      15. gem(connection_pool) >= 0
      16. gem(dalli) >= 0
      17. gem(delayed_job) >= 0
      18. gem(delayed_job_active_record) >= 0
      19. gem(digest) >= 3.1.0
      20. gem(erubi) >= 1.4
      21. gem(globalid) >= 0.3.6
      22. gem(google-cloud-storage) >= 1.11
      23. gem(hiredis) >= 0
      24. gem(i18n) >= 1.6
      25. gem(image_processing) >= 1.2
      26. gem(json) >= 2.0.0
      27. gem(kindlerb) >= 1.2.0
      28. gem(libxml-ruby) >= 0
      29. gem(listen) >= 3.3
      30. gem(mail) >= 2.7.1
      31. gem(marcel) >= 1.0
      32. gem(matrix) >= 0
      33. gem(method_source) >= 0
      34. gem(mini_mime) >= 1.1.0
      35. gem(minitest) >= 5.15.0
      36. gem(minitest-bisect) >= 0
      37. gem(minitest-reporters) >= 0
      38. gem(minitest-retry) >= 0
      39. gem(net-imap) >= 0
      40. gem(net-pop) >= 0
      41. gem(net-smtp) >= 0
      42. gem(nio4r) >= 2.0
      43. gem(nokogiri) >= 1.8.5
      44. gem(pg) >= 1.3.0
      45. gem(psych) >= 3.0
      46. gem(puma) >= 0
      47. gem(que) >= 0
      48. gem(racc) >= 1.4.6
      49. gem(rack) >= 2.0
      50. gem(rack-cache) >= 1.2
      51. gem(rack-test) >= 0.6.3
      52. gem(rails-dom-testing) >= 2.0
      53. gem(rails-html-sanitizer) >= 1.2.0
      54. gem(rake) >= 12.2
      55. gem(redcarpet) >= 3.2.3
      56. gem(redis) >= 4.0
      57. gem(resque) >= 0
      58. gem(resque-scheduler) >= 0
      59. gem(rexml) >= 0
      60. gem(rouge) >= 0
      61. gem(rubocop) >= 0.90
      62. gem(rubocop-packaging) >= 0
      63. gem(rubocop-performance) >= 0
      64. gem(rubocop-rails) >= 0
      65. gem(sass-rails) >= 0
      66. gem(sdoc) >= 2.3.0
      67. gem(selenium-webdriver) >= 4.0.0
      68. gem(sequel) >= 0
      69. gem(sidekiq) >= 0
      70. gem(sneakers) >= 0
      71. gem(sprockets-export) >= 0
      72. gem(sprockets-rails) >= 2.0.0
      73. gem(sqlite3) >= 1.4
      74. gem(stackprof) >= 0
      75. gem(sucker_punch) >= 0
      76. gem(thor) >= 1.0
      77. gem(turbolinks) >= 5
      78. gem(tzinfo) >= 2.0
      79. gem(uglifier) >= 1.3.0
      80. gem(w3c_validators) >= 1.3.6
      81. gem(webdrivers) >= 0
      82. gem(webmock) >= 0
      83. gem(webpacker) >= 5.0
      84. gem(webrick) >= 0
      85. gem(websocket-driver) >= 0.6.1
      86. gem(zeitwerk) >= 2.3
      87. rpm-build-ruby

    Last changed

    Aug. 20, 2024 Pavel Skrylev
    - ^ ->
    - - droppen railsctl binary in favor of separated package
    - ! fixed CVE-2024-28103
    - ! psych dep
    April 23, 2024 Pavel Skrylev
    - ^ ->
    - ! CVEs
     + CVE-2024-26144
     + CVE-2023-38037
     + CVE-2023-28362
     + CVE-2023-23913
    April 2, 2024 Pavel Vasenkov
    - ! add path to bundle