Package inkscape-open-symbols: Specfile

Name: inkscape-open-symbols
Version: 1.2.1
Release: alt1

Summary: Open source SVG symbol sets that can be used as Inkscape symbols

License: MIT
Group: Graphics

Packager: Vitaly Lipatov <>

# Source-url:
Source: %name-%version.tar

BuildArchitectures: noarch

Symbol libraries are sets of SVG symbols located in one SVG document.
For the more technical audience, Inkscape searches for any valid SVG file
with symbols (<symbol> element) in your system configuration directory %_datadir/inkscape)


mkdir -p %buildroot%_datadir/inkscape/symbols/
cp -a . %buildroot%_datadir/inkscape/symbols/
rm -fv %buildroot%_datadir/inkscape/symbols/*.*

%doc LICENSE.txt

* Sun Nov 08 2020 Vitaly Lipatov <> 1.2.1-alt1
- initial build for ALT Sisyphus