Package jabber-mrim: Information

Danger alert: Package removed from sisyphus repository

Removed in the task: #245278
Package removed: Andrey Bychkov
Deletion date: Jan. 30, 2020
Message: python2_removal
    Source package: jabber-mrim
    Version: 0.2-alt1.svn20080618.1.qa1.1
    Build time:  Jun 6, 2019, 04:49 PM
    Category: System/Servers
    Report package bug
    License: GPL
    Summary: Mail.ruIM-transport for jabber servers
    Mrim is an Open Source (GPL) XMPP to Transport (aka M-Agent).
    It is written in Python and built on top of library (

    List of RPM packages built from this SRPM:
    jabber-mrim (noarch)

    Maintainer: Mikhail Pokidko

      1. jabber-common

    Last changed

    Oct. 25, 2011 Vitaly Kuznetsov 0.2-alt1.svn20080618.1.qa1.1
    - Rebuild with Python-2.7
    Jan. 14, 2010 Repocop Q. A. Robot 0.2-alt1.svn20080618.1.qa1
    - NMU (by repocop): the following fixes applied:
      * pkg-contains-cvs-or-svn-control-dir for jabber-mrim
      * postclean-05-filetriggers for spec file
    Dec. 2, 2008 Eugeny A. Rostovtsev 0.2-alt1.svn20080618.1
    - Rebuilt with python 2.6