Package libtelepathy-farstream: Information

    Source package: libtelepathy-farstream
    Version: 0.6.2-alt2
    Latest version according to Repology
    Build time:  Jan 30, 2015, 08:32 PM in the task #139438
    Report package bug
    License: LGPLv2+
    Summary: Telepathy client library to handle call channels
    Telepathy Farstream is a Telepathy client library that uses
    Farstream-0.2 to handle Call channels.

    List of RPM packages built from this SRPM:
    libtelepathy-farstream (x86_64, i586)
    libtelepathy-farstream-debuginfo (x86_64, i586)
    libtelepathy-farstream-devel (x86_64, i586)
    libtelepathy-farstream-devel-doc (noarch)
    libtelepathy-farstream-gir (x86_64, i586)
    libtelepathy-farstream-gir-devel (noarch)

    Maintainer: Yuri N. Sedunov

    List of contributors:
    Yuri N. Sedunov

      1. glib2-devel >= 2.30.0
      2. gobject-introspection-devel
      3. libtelepathy-glib-devel >= 0.18.0
      4. libtelepathy-glib-gir-devel
      5. gtk-doc
      6. libgstreamer1.0-gir-devel
      7. libdbus-devel
      8. libdbus-glib-devel
      9. libfarstream0.2-devel >= 0.1.91
      10. libfarstream0.2-gir-devel

    Last changed

    Jan. 30, 2015 Yuri N. Sedunov 0.6.2-alt2
    - rebuilt against
    Aug. 26, 2014 Yuri N. Sedunov 0.6.2-alt1
    - 0.6.2
    March 27, 2014 Yuri N. Sedunov 0.6.1-alt1
    - 0.6.1