Package nvidia-cuda-toolkit: Information

    Source package: nvidia-cuda-toolkit
    Version: 12.4.1-alt1
    Latest version according to Repology
    Build time:  Feb 4, 2025, 01:17 AM in the task #373101
    Category: System/Libraries
    Report package bug
    License: NVIDIA
    Summary: NVIDIA CUDA Toolkit libraries
    NVIDIA CUDA is a general purpose parallel computing architecture
    that leverages the parallel compute engine in NVIDIA graphics
    processing units (GPUs) to solve many complex computational problems
    in a fraction of the time required on a CPU. It includes the CUDA
    Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) and the parallel compute engine in
    the GPU. To program to the CUDA architecture, developers can, today,
    use C++, one of the most widely used high-level programming languages,
    which can then be run at great performance on a CUDA enabled
    processor. Support for other languages, like FORTRAN, Python or Java,
    is available from third parties.
    This package contains the libraries and attendant files needed to run
    programs that make use of CUDA.

    List of RPM packages built from this SRPM:
    gds-tools (x86_64)
    libaccinj64 (x86_64)
    libcublas (x86_64)
    libcublaslt (x86_64)
    libcudart (x86_64)
    libcufft (x86_64)
    libcufftw (x86_64)
    libcufile (x86_64)
    libcufile-devel (x86_64)
    libcufile-rdma (x86_64)
    libcuinj64 (x86_64)
    libcupti (x86_64)
    libcupti-devel (x86_64)
    libcurand (x86_64)
    libcusolver (x86_64)
    libcusolvermg (x86_64)
    libcusparse (x86_64)
    libnppc (x86_64)
    libnppial (x86_64)
    libnppicc (x86_64)
    libnppidei (x86_64)
    libnppif (x86_64)
    libnppig (x86_64)
    libnppim (x86_64)
    libnppist (x86_64)
    libnppisu (x86_64)
    libnppitc (x86_64)
    libnpps (x86_64)
    libnvblas (x86_64)
    libnvjitlink (x86_64)
    libnvjpeg (x86_64)
    libnvrtc (x86_64)
    libnvrtc-builtins (x86_64)
    libnvtoolsext (x86_64)
    libnvvm (x86_64)
    nvidia-cuda-devel (x86_64)
    nvidia-cuda-devel-static (x86_64)
    nvidia-cuda-gdb (x86_64)
    nvidia-cuda-toolkit (x86_64)
    nvidia-nsight-compute (x86_64)
    nvidia-nsight-systems (x86_64)
    nvidia-profiler (x86_64)
    nvidia-visual-profiler (x86_64)

    Maintainer: Mikhail Tergoev

    List of contributors:
    Mikhail Tergoev
    Grigory Ustinov

    Mikhail Tergoev

      1. /usr/bin/convert
      2. chrpath
      3. gcc-c++
      4. libGL
      5. libGLU
      6. libcuda >= 550.54.15
      7. libfreeglut
      8. libglvnd-devel
      9. libibumad
      10. libibverbs
      11. libnuma
      12. librdmacm
      13. libvdpau-devel
      14. rpm-build-python3
      15. ocl-icd-devel
      16. tbb-devel

    Last changed

    Feb. 3, 2025 Mikhail Tergoev 12.4.1-alt1
    - updated to 12.4.1
    Jan. 29, 2024 Mikhail Tergoev 12.3.2-alt1
    - updated to 12.3.2 (ALT bug: 49154)
    - returned requires nvidia-cuda-toolkit to nvidia-cuda-devel
    Jan. 22, 2024 Mikhail Tergoev 12.3.1-alt3
    - drop requires nvidia-cuda-toolkit from nvidia-cuda-devel (ALT bug: 48761)
    - separation of nvidia-cuda-gdb packages from nvidia-cuda-devel (ALT bug: 48762)
    - separation of libcufile-devel packages from nvidia-cuda-devel
    - separation of libcupti-devel packages from nvidia-cuda-devel