Package openqa: Information

    Source package: openqa
    Version: 4.6-alt16.git653e0d8a3
    Latest version according to Repology
    Build time:  Aug 7, 2024, 12:13 PM in the task #354556
    Report package bug
    License: GPLv2+
    Summary: OS-level automated testing framework
    openQA is a testing framework that allows you to test GUI applications on one
    hand and bootloader and kernel on the other. In both cases, it is difficult to
    script tests and verify the output. Output can be a popup window or it can be
    an error in early boot even before init is executed.
    openQA is an automated test tool that makes it possible to test the whole
    installation process of an operating system. It uses virtual machines to
    reproduce the process, check the output (both serial console and screen) in
    every step and send the necessary keystrokes and commands to proceed to the
    next. openQA can check whether the system can be installed, whether it works
    properly in 'live' mode, whether applications work or whether the system
    responds as expected to different installation options and commands.
    Even more importantly, openQA can run several combinations of tests for every
    revision of the operating system, reporting the errors detected for each
    combination of hardware configuration, installation options and variant of the
    operating system.

    List of RPM packages built from this SRPM:
    openqa (noarch)
    openqa-client (noarch)
    openqa-common (noarch)
    openqa-doc (noarch)
    openqa-httpd (noarch)
    openqa-local-db (noarch)
    openqa-nginx (noarch)
    openqa-python-scripts (noarch)
    openqa-single-instance (noarch)
    openqa-single-instance-nginx (noarch)
    openqa-worker (noarch)

    Maintainer: Alexandr Antonov

      1. bsdcat
      2. bsdtar
      3. curl
      4. git-core
      5. jq
      6. os-autoinst
      7. osc
      8. perl(Archive/
      9. perl(BSD/
      10. perl(CPAN/Meta/
      11. perl(CSS/Minifier/
      12. perl(
      13. perl(Config/
      14. perl(Config/
      15. perl(Cpanel/JSON/
      16. perl(DBD/
      17. perl(DBD/
      18. perl(DBIx/
      19. perl(DBIx/Class/
      20. perl(DBIx/Class/
      21. perl(DBIx/Class/
      22. perl(DBIx/Class/Schema/
      23. perl(DBIx/Class/Storage/
      24. perl(Data/
      25. perl(Date/
      26. perl(DateTime/Format/
      27. perl(File/Copy/
      28. perl(File/
      29. perl(Filesys/
      30. perl(IO/Socket/
      31. perl(IPC/
      32. perl(IPC/
      33. perl(JSON/
      34. perl(JavaScript/Minifier/
      35. perl(
      36. perl(Minion/Backend/
      37. perl(Module/Load/
      38. perl(Module/
      39. perl(Mojo/IOLoop/
      40. perl(Mojo/RabbitMQ/
      41. perl(Mojo/
      42. perl(
      43. perl(Mojolicious/Plugin/
      44. perl(Mojolicious/Plugin/
      45. perl(Mojolicious/Plugin/
      46. perl(Net/
      47. perl(Net/OpenID/
      48. perl(Perl/
      49. perl(SQL/
      50. perl(SQL/
      51. perl(Sort/
      52. perl(Test/Code/
      53. perl(Test/
      54. perl(Test/
      55. perl(Test/
      56. perl(Test/
      57. perl(Test/
      58. perl(Test/
      59. perl(Test/
      60. perl(Test/
      61. perl(Test/
      62. perl(Test/
      63. perl(Test/
      64. perl(Test/
      65. perl(Text/
      66. perl(Text/
      67. perl(Text/
      68. perl(Time/
      69. perl(Time/
      70. perl(Time/
      71. perl(YAML/
      72. perl(YAML/
      73. perl(
      74. perl-Package-Generator
      75. postgresql15-server
      76. python3-devel
      77. python3-module-future
      78. rpm-build-python3
      79. sass
      80. shellcheck
      81. spectool
      82. systemd
      83. yamllint
      84. python3-module-jsbeautifier
      85. python3-module-requests
      86. python3-module-setuptools

    Last changed

    Aug. 6, 2024 Alexandr Antonov 4.6-alt16.git653e0d8a3
    - update to current version
    - Commit hash: 653e0d8a3
    May 28, 2024 Alexandr Antonov 4.6-alt16.git1c98e2217
    - update to current version
    - Commit hash: 1c98e2217
    May 14, 2024 Alexey Sheplyakov 4.6-alt15.1
    - NMU: build on LoongArch (no changes required)