Package perl-Text-Reform: Information

    Source package: perl-Text-Reform
    Version: 1.20-alt2
    Latest version according to Repology
    Build time:  Nov 15, 2011, 12:54 AM
    Category: Development/Perl
    Report package bug
    License: GPL or Artistic
    Summary: Manual text wrapping and reformatting
    The module supplies a re-entrant, highly configurable replacement
    for the built-in Perl format() mechanism.

    List of RPM packages built from this SRPM:
    perl-Text-Reform (noarch)

    Maintainer: Alexey Tourbin

    List of contributors:
    Alexey Tourbin
    Andrey Brindeew


      1. perl-Module-Build
      2. perl-Test-Pod

    Last changed

    Nov. 15, 2011 Alexey Tourbin 1.20-alt2
    - rebuilt as plain src.rpm
    Feb. 19, 2010 Alexey Tourbin 1.20-alt1
    - 1.12.2 -> 1.20
    March 4, 2008 Alexey Tourbin 1.12.2-alt1
    - 1.11 -> 1.12.2