Package pve-ha-manager: Specfile

%global _unpackaged_files_terminate_build 1
%set_perl_req_method relaxed

Name: pve-ha-manager
Summary: Proxmox VE HA Manager
Version: 3.3.4
Release: alt1
License: AGPL-3.0+
Group: System/Servers
Vcs: git://
Source: %name-%version.tar

ExclusiveArch: x86_64 aarch64

# from debian/control
Conflicts: watchdog

Requires: libpve-cluster-perl pve-cluster

BuildRequires: pve-access-control libpve-cluster-perl pve-common pve-cluster pve-doc-generator


%package -n pve-ha-simulator
Summary: PVE HA Simulator
Group: System/Servers

%description -n pve-ha-simulator
This is a simple GUI to simulate the behavior of a Proxmox VE HA cluster.


%make_build -C src

%makeinstall_std -C src
mkdir -p %buildroot{%_unitdir,%_sysconfdir/sysconfig}
install -m0644 debian/*.service %buildroot%_unitdir/
install -m0644 debian/pve-ha-manager.default %buildroot%_sysconfdir/sysconfig/pve-ha-manager

%post_service pve-ha-lrm
%post_service pve-ha-crm

%preun_service pve-ha-crm
%preun_service pve-ha-lrm

%config(noreplace) %_sysconfdir/sysconfig/pve-ha-manager

%files -n pve-ha-simulator

* Thu May 05 2022 Andrew A. Vasilyev <> 3.3.4-alt1
- 3.3-4

* Mon Mar 07 2022 Alexey Shabalin <> 3.3.3-alt1
- 3.3-3
- build as separate package