Package python3-module-Pyro4: Information

Danger alert: Package removed from sisyphus repository

Removed in the task: #322663
Package removed: Anton Midyukov
Deletion date: June 12, 2023
Message: not_support_python3.11
    Source package: python3-module-Pyro4
    Version: 4.82-alt1
    Latest version according to Repology
    Build time:  Feb 3, 2022, 07:46 PM in the task #294666
    Report package bug
    Summary: Python Remote Objects
    Pyro is an acronym for PYthon Remote Objects. It is an advanced and
    powerful Distributed Object Technology system written entirely in
    Python, that is designed to be very easy to use. It resembles Java's
    Remote Method Invocation (RMI). It has less similarity to CORBA - which
    is a system- and language independent Distributed Object Technology and
    has much more to offer than Pyro or RMI. But Pyro is small, simple and

    List of RPM packages built from this SRPM:
    python3-module-Pyro4 (noarch)
    python3-module-Pyro4-examples (noarch)
    python3-module-Pyro4-tests (noarch)

    Maintainer: Anton Midyukov

      1. python3(cloudpickle)
      2. python3(wsgiref)
      3. python3(wsgiref.util)
      4. python3(msgpack)
      5. python3(dill)
      6. python3-devel
      7. rpm-build-python3
      8. python3-module-serpent
      9. python3-module-setuptools
      10. python3-module-setuptools

    Last changed

    Feb. 3, 2022 Anton Midyukov 4.82-alt1
    - 4.82
    May 29, 2020 Anton Midyukov 4.80-alt2
    - Added conflict with python-module-Pyro4 < 0.75-alt3
    May 24, 2020 Anton Midyukov 4.80-alt1
    - new version 4.80
    - disable build docs