Package python3-module-django-htmlmin: Information
Danger alert: Package removed from sisyphus repository
Removed in the task: #332881
Package removed: Alexander Burmatov
Deletion date: Oct. 30, 2023
Message: upstreamNoLongerSupportsThePackage
Package removed: Alexander Burmatov
Deletion date: Oct. 30, 2023
Message: upstreamNoLongerSupportsThePackage
Source package: python3-module-django-htmlmin
Version: 0.11.0-alt0.git.01575db
Build time: Dec 22, 2021, 11:23 AM in the task #292335
Category: Development/Python3
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License: BSD-2-Clause
Summary: HTML minifier for Python frameworks (not only Django, despite the name).
django-html is an HTML minifier for Python, with full support for HTML 5. It supports Django, Flask and many other Python web frameworks. It also provides a command line tool, that can be used for static websites or deployment scripts.
Maintainer: Dmitry Lyalyaev