Package shotcut: Information

Source package: shotcut
Version: 24.08.29-alt1
Latest version according to Repology
Build time:  Aug 30, 2024, 07:49 AM in the task #356363
Category: Video
Report package bug
License: GPL-3.0+
Summary: A free, open source, cross-platform video editor
These are all currently implemented features:
 * supports oodles of audio and video formats and codecs;
 * supports many image formats as image sequences;
 * no import required - native editing;
 * frame-accurate seeking for many formats;
 * multi-format timeline;
 * screen capture (Linux only) including background capture;
 * webcam capture (Linux only);
 * audio capture (Linux only; PulseAudio, JACK, or ALSA);
 * network stream playback (HTTP, HLS, RTMP, RTSP, MMS, UDP);
 * frei0r video generator plugins (e.g. color bars and plasma);
 * Blackmagic Design SDI and HDMI for input and preview monitoring;
 * JACK transport sync;
 * deinterlacing;
 * detailed media properties panel;
 * recent files panel with search;
 * drag-n-drop files from file manager;
 * save and load trimmed clip as MLT XML file;
 * load and play complex MLT XML file as a clip;
 * audio signal level meter;
 * volume control;
 * scrubbing and transport control;
 * flexible UI through dock-able panels;
 * encode/transcode to a variety of formats and codecs;
 * capture (record);
 * stream (encode to IP) files and any capture source;
 * batch encoding with job control;
 * MLT XML playlists;
 * unlimited undo and redo for playlist edits;
 * connect to Melted servers over MVCP TCP protocol;
 * control the transport playback of Melted units;
 * edit Melted playlists including support for undo/redo;
 * OpenGL GPU-based image processing;
 * multi-core parallel image processing when not using GPU;
 * video filters;
 * audio filters;
 * 3-way color wheels for color correction and grading;
 * eye dropper tool to pick neutral color for white balancing;
 * HTML5 (sans audio and video) as video source and filters;
 * Leap Motion for jog/shuttle control;
 * DeckLink SDI keyer output - internal or external;
 * UI themes/skins: native-OS look and custom dark and light;
 * control video zoom in the player.

List of RPM packages built from this SRPM:
shotcut (x86_64, ppc64le, i586, aarch64)
shotcut-debuginfo (x86_64, ppc64le, i586, aarch64)

Maintainer: Anton Midyukov

Andrey Cherepanov

    1. ImageMagick-tools
    2. cmake
    3. desktop-file-utils
    4. gcc-c++
    5. libappstream-glib
    6. libfftw3-devel
    7. libx264-devel
    8. mlt7xx-devel
    9. pkgconfig(Qt6Charts)
    10. pkgconfig(Qt6Concurrent)
    11. pkgconfig(Qt6Core)
    12. pkgconfig(Qt6Gui)
    13. pkgconfig(Qt6Multimedia)
    14. pkgconfig(Qt6Network)
    15. pkgconfig(Qt6OpenGL)
    16. pkgconfig(Qt6PrintSupport)
    17. pkgconfig(Qt6Qml)
    18. pkgconfig(Qt6Quick)
    19. pkgconfig(Qt6Sql)
    20. pkgconfig(Qt6UiTools)
    21. pkgconfig(Qt6WebSockets)
    22. pkgconfig(Qt6Xml)
    23. pkgconfig(mlt-framework-7)
    24. pkgconfig(sdl2)
    25. qt6-declarative-devel
    26. qt6-imageformats
    27. qt6-linguist
    28. qt6-tools-devel

Last changed

Aug. 30, 2024 Andrey Cherepanov 24.08.29-alt1
- New version.
Aug. 29, 2024 Andrey Cherepanov 24.08.28-alt1
- New version.
Aug. 19, 2024 Andrey Cherepanov 24.08.17-alt1
- New version.