Package tetex-latex-listings: Information

Danger alert: Package removed from sisyphus repository

Removed in the task: #134638
Package removed: Igor Vlasenko
Deletion date: Nov. 13, 2014
    Source package: tetex-latex-listings
    Version: 1.4-alt2.1
    Build time:  Nov 5, 2009, 10:04 PM
    Category: Publishing
    Report package bug
    License: LaTeX Project Public License 1.3 or later
    Summary: Typeset source code listings using LaTeX
    The `listings' package is a source code printer for LaTeX. You can
    typeset stand alone files as well as listings with an environment
    similar to `verbatim' as well as you can print code snippets using a
    command similar to \verb'. Many parameters control the output and if
    your preferred programming language isn't already supported, you can
    make your own definition.

    List of RPM packages built from this SRPM:
    tetex-latex-listings (noarch)

    Maintainer: Repocop Q. A. Robot

      1. tetex-latex

    Last changed

    Nov. 5, 2009 Repocop Q. A. Robot 1.4-alt2.1
    - NMU (by repocop): the following fixes applied:
      * altlinux-policy-tex-obsolete-util-calls-in-post for tetex-latex-listings
    July 9, 2008 Led 1.4-alt2
    - added listings.cfg (#10691)
    July 4, 2008 Led 1.4-alt1
    - 1.4
    - fixed License (#16262)
    - fixed %files (#16264)