Package wfc: Specfile

Name: wfc
Version: R2304
Release: alt1

Summary: Wire Format Compiler
License: GPLv3+
Group: Development/C++

Packager: L.A. Kostis <>

Source: %name-%version.tar
Patch: %name-%version-%release.patch

BuildRequires: gcc-c++ mercurial flex xxd

Wire Format Compiler (WFC) is a tool that generates C++ code from data
structure descriptions for handling serialization, deserialization and access
to the specified data. The generated code provide an API for accessing the data
with get, set, and clear functions and serializing it to byte stream and
restoring the data structures from a byte stream in memory.

%patch -p1

# smp incompatible build

make install PREFIX=%buildroot%_prefix

%doc LICENSE examples

* Thu May 04 2023 L.A. Kostis <> R2304-alt1
- R2304.

* Fri Mar 24 2023 L.A. Kostis <> R2211-alt1
- Initial build for ALTLinux.