Package alterator-ports-access: Information

    Source package: alterator-ports-access
    Version: 0.5.6-alt1
    Build time:  Nov 16, 2023, 01:34 AM
    Report package bug
    License: GPLv2+
    Summary: alterator module to control ports access
    Alterator module to control serial/USB ports access

    List of RPM packages built from this SRPM:
    alterator-ports-access (noarch)
    alterator-ports-access-cmdline (noarch)

    Maintainer: Paul Wolneykien

      1. alterator
      2. rpm-build-licenses
      3. rpm-macros-alterator

    Last changed

    Nov. 14, 2023 Paul Wolneykien 0.5.6-alt1
    - Fix: Apply changes without need to re-plug the device by
      recursively triggering USB "change" events on authorized devices.
    - Fix: Don't specify ID_USB_INTERFACES for devices with USB class 00
      (closes: 48360).
    Nov. 2, 2023 Paul Wolneykien 0.5.5-alt1
    - Fixed USB rule editor (closes: 47454).
    - Fixed glob pattern used to extract class, subclass and protocol
      values from USB_WHITE_LIST.
    - Additional formal check before adding new rule.
    Aug. 30, 2023 Paul Wolneykien 0.5.4-alt1
    - Don't disable USB control to scan for connected devices if not
      explicitly asked by the user with the use of "Scan" button.
    - Change the order of rules in udev: Move rules to
      99-alterator-ports-access-01-usb-auth.rules and
      99-alterator-ports-access-02-usb-dev.rules files.
    - Add support for USB device and interfaces classes.
    - Fixed getting vendor and product names: quit after first match.
    - Don't automatically re-scan present devices if the table isn't
    - Require /usr/share/misc/usb.ids.
    - Improve the rule file comments and spacing.
    - Remove copyright info from rule file headers.
    - Enable/Disable USB control by changing the udev rules.
    - Allow text to wrap in tables.
    - backend: List USB devices with class, subclass and protocol values
      and optionally list their interfaces.
    - Fix: Own alterator/ui/*.
    - Fixed % in changelog.
    - Removed local l10n files.