Package ca-gost-certificates-auc: Information

    Source package: ca-gost-certificates-auc
    Version: 2017.10.22-alt1
    Build time:  May 31, 2019, 10:13 PM
    Category: System/Base
    Report package bug
    License: Public Domain
    Summary: GOST CA intermediate certificates
    This package contains a bundle of intermediate X.509 certificates of russian government public
    Certificate Authorities (CA).

    List of RPM packages built from this SRPM:
    ca-gost-certificates-auc (noarch)
    ca-gost-certificates-auc-crl (noarch)

    Maintainer: Vitaly Lipatov

    List of contributors:
    Vitaly Lipatov

      1. ca-gost-certificates
      2. libxmlsec1
      3. libxmlsec1-openssl-devel
      4. openssl
      5. xsltproc

    Last changed

    Oct. 22, 2017 Vitaly Lipatov 2017.10.22-alt1
    - update 22.10.2017
    Sept. 24, 2017 Vitaly Lipatov 2017.09.24-alt1
    - initial build for ALT Sisyphus