Package cutechess: Information

    Source package: cutechess
    Version: 1.3.1-alt1
    Build time:  Feb 20, 2024, 03:51 PM
    Category: Other
    Report package bug
    License: GPL-3.0
    Summary: Cute Chess is a graphical user interface, command-line interface and a library for playing chess
    Cute Chess is a set of cross-platform tools for working with chess engines.
    It consists of:
    cutechess - a graphical user interface.
    cutechess-cli - a command-line interface for automating chess engine matches.
    Cute Chess is developed using C++ and Qt.
    The project has been in development since
    May 2008 and is currently in active development.

    List of RPM packages built from this SRPM:
    cutechess (e2kv6, e2kv5, e2kv4, e2k)
    cutechess-debuginfo (e2kv6, e2kv5, e2kv4, e2k)

    Maintainer: Leonid Znamenok

    List of contributors:
    Leonid Znamenok

      1. pkgconfig(Qt6Concurrent)
      2. pkgconfig(Qt6Core)
      3. pkgconfig(Qt6Core5Compat)
      4. pkgconfig(Qt6Gui)
      5. pkgconfig(Qt6PrintSupport)
      6. pkgconfig(Qt6Svg)
      7. pkgconfig(Qt6Widgets)
      8. cmake
      9. gcc-c++

    Last changed

    Oct. 6, 2023 Leonid Znamenok 1.3.1-alt1
    - New release 1.3.1
    July 11, 2023 Leonid Znamenok 1.3.0-alt0.beta4
    - Initial build for Sisyphus