Package gem-dry-monads: Information

    Source package: gem-dry-monads
    Version: 1.6.0-alt1
    Build time:  Apr 24, 2024, 01:11 PM
    Category: Development/Ruby
    Report package bug
    License: MIT
    Summary: Common monads for Ruby
    dry-monads is a set of common monads for Ruby. Monads provide an elegant way of
    handling errors, exceptions and chaining functions so that the code is much more
    understandable and has all the error handling, without all the ifs and elses.
    The gem was inspired by the Kleisli gem.
    What is a monad, anyway? Simply, a monoid in the category of endofunctors. The
    term comes from category theory and some believe monads are tough to understand
    or explain. It's hard to say why people think so because you certainly don't
    need to know category theory for using them, just like you don't need it for,
    say, using functions.

    List of RPM packages built from this SRPM:
    gem-dry-monads (noarch)
    gem-dry-monads-devel (noarch)
    gem-dry-monads-doc (noarch)

    Maintainer: Pavel Skrylev

    List of contributors:
    Pavel Skrylev

      1. gem(benchmark-ips) >= 0
      2. gem(bundler) >= 0
      3. gem(concurrent-ruby) >= 1.0
      4. gem(dry-core) >= 1.0
      5. rpm-build-ruby
      6. gem(pry-byebug) >= 0
      7. gem(rake) >= 12.3.3
      8. gem(redcarpet) >= 0
      9. gem(rexml) >= 0
      10. gem(rspec) >= 0
      11. gem(rubocop) >= 1.15.0
      12. gem(simplecov-cobertura) >= 0
      13. gem(simplecov) >= 0
      14. gem(yard) >= 0
      15. gem(yard-junk) >= 0
      16. gem(warning) >= 0
      17. gem(zeitwerk) >= 2.6

    Last changed

    March 25, 2024 Pavel Skrylev 1.6.0-alt1
    - + packaged gem with Ruby Policy 2.0