Package jmock: Information

    Source package: jmock
    Version: 2.8.2-alt2_5jpp8
    Build time:  Apr 21, 2018, 11:11 AM
    Category: Development/Java
    Report package bug
    License: BSD
    Summary: Java library for testing code with mock objects
    Mock objects help you design and test the interactions between the objects in
    your programs.
    The jMock library:
      * makes it quick and easy to define mock objects, so you don't break the
        rhythm of programming.
      * lets you precisely specify the interactions between your objects, reducing
        the brittleness of your tests.
      * works well with the auto-completion and re-factoring features of your IDE
      * plugs into your favorite test framework
      * is easy to extend.

    List of RPM packages built from this SRPM:
    jmock (noarch)
    jmock-example (noarch)
    jmock-javadoc (noarch)
    jmock-junit3 (noarch)
    jmock-junit4 (noarch)
    jmock-legacy (noarch)
    jmock-parent (noarch)
    jmock-testjar (noarch)

    Maintainer: Igor Vlasenko

    List of contributors:
    Igor Vlasenko

      1. /proc
      2. /proc
      3. maven-local
      4. mvn(cglib:cglib)
      5. mvn(junit:junit)
      6. mvn(org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-dependency-plugin)
      7. mvn(org.beanshell:bsh)
      8. mvn(org.codehaus.mojo:exec-maven-plugin)
      9. mvn(org.hamcrest:hamcrest-library)
      10. mvn(org.objenesis:objenesis)
      11. mvn(org.ow2.asm:asm)
      12. mvn(org.sonatype.oss:oss-parent:pom:)
      13. rpm-build-java
      14. jpackage-generic-compat

    Last changed

    April 19, 2018 Igor Vlasenko 0:2.8.2-alt2_5jpp8
    - java update
    Nov. 18, 2017 Igor Vlasenko 0:2.8.2-alt2_4jpp8
    - fixed build
    Nov. 9, 2017 Igor Vlasenko 0:2.8.2-alt1_4jpp8
    - fc27 update