Package libinput-gestures: Specfile

Name: libinput-gestures
Version: 2.76
Release: alt1

Summary: Actions gestures on your touchpad using libinput
License: GPL-2.0-only
Group: System/Libraries
BuildArch: noarch

Source: %name-%version.tar
Patch: %name-%version-alt-missing-module-fix.patch
Patch1: %name-%version-alt-wmctrl-warnings-disable.patch

BuildRequires(pre): rpm-build-python3

Libinput-gestures is a utility which reads libinput gestures from your touchpad
and maps them to gestures you configure in a configuration file. Each gesture
can be configured to activate a shell command which is typically an xdotool
command to action desktop/window/application keyboard combinations and commands.

See the examples in the provided libinput-gestures.conf file.
My motivation for creating this is to use triple swipe up/down to switch GNOME
workspaces, and triple swipe left/right to go backwards/forwards in my browser,
as per the default configuration.

This small and simple utility is only intended to be used temporarily until
GNOME and other DE's action libinput gestures natively. It parses the output of
the libinput-list-devices and libinput-debug-events utilities so is a little
fragile to any version changes in their output format.

%autopatch -p1



cp -v ./%name ./%name-%version

%dir %_docdir/%name

* Mon Feb 26 2024 Anton Kurachenko <> 2.76-alt1
- New version 2.76.
- Internal tests added in the spec.

* Sat Jun 10 2023 Anton Kurachenko <> 2.74-alt1
- Initial build for ALT.