Package usb-modeswitch: Information

    Source package: usb-modeswitch
    Version: 2.6.1-alt4
    Build time:  Nov 16, 2024, 01:17 PM
    Report package bug
    Summary: usb-modeswitch is a mode switching tool for controlling "flip flop" (multiple device) USB gear
    USB_ModeSwitch is (surprise!) a mode switching tool for controlling
    "flip flop" (multiple device) USB gear.
    Several new USB devices (especially high-speed wireless WAN stuff, there
    seems to be a chipset from Qualcomm offering that feature) have their
    MS Windows drivers onboard; when plugged in for the first time they act
    like a flash storage and start installing the driver from there.
    After that (and on every consecutive plugging) this driver switches the
    mode internally, the storage device vanishes (in most cases), and a new
    device (like a USB modem) shows up. The WWAN gear maker Option calls
    that feature "ZeroCD (TM)".
    Needed for MTS (and others) branded e1550 modems.

    List of RPM packages built from this SRPM:
    usb-modeswitch (e2kv6, e2kv5, e2kv4, e2k)
    usb-modeswitch-debuginfo (e2kv6, e2kv5, e2kv4, e2k)

    Maintainer: Anton Midyukov

      1. libusb-devel
      2. tcl

    Last changed

    Aug. 28, 2024 Anton Midyukov 2.6.1-alt4
    - NMU: fix FTBFS
    March 7, 2022 Sergey Y. Afonin 2.6.1-alt3
    - cleanup %files section in spec
    March 7, 2022 Sergey Y. Afonin 2.6.1-alt2
    - updated systemd-detection.patch (ALT #38132)
    - added %config(noreplace) for %_sysconfdir/usb_modeswitch.conf