Maintainer Semyon Knyazev in the sisyphus_loongarch64 branch: Information

Maintainer name: Semyon Knyazev (samael)
Built source packages in this branch: 2

Last changes

Dec 11, 2024, 02:12 AM


Version: 0.18.0-alt1
Summary: Active Directory Management Center
- Add custom permissions to security tab: create/delete child objects
  and read/write properties.
- Add delegation tasks to security tab. Delegation tasks represent
  common tasks from RSAT's delegation dialog.
- Extended rights are placed in a separate permissions tab.
- Generic and standard permissions are placed in the common permissions
  tab. Common permissions are supplemented by following: list contents,
  read/write all properties, delete, delete subtree, read permissions,
  modify permissions, modify owner, all validated writes and all extended
- Add permissions scope selection to the security tab. Corresponding
  permissions can be applied to the target object, target and child objects,
  only to the child objects or to the child object with specific class.
  Delegation tasks are appliable only to target object.
- Changed permissions unsetting behavior: superior permission unsetting
  unsets all subordinate permissions too. For example, "Full control"
  unsetting unsets all other permissions.
- Fixed test fails, which were caused by arbitrary invalid domain controller
- Add "Set/unset all" and "Edit" actions to the links tab in the policy OU
  widget. "Set/unset all" actions set/unset state (enforced/disabled, depending
  on column) for all linked policies. "Edit" action opens GPUI for policy editing.
  These actions can be triggered via context menu.
Dec 22, 2023, 09:45 PM


Version: 1.0-alt1
Summary: Icon themes for AD integration BaseAlt projects
- Append AD-integration color, AD-integration duotone, AD-integration line
  and Kora AD-integration themes. These were tested only in ADMC context and
  can be expanded for other projects (like GPUI).