Package fonts-otf-gfs-theokritos: Information
Source package: fonts-otf-gfs-theokritos
Version: 20070415-alt3_36
Build time: Oct 22, 2023, 03:11 PM
Category: System/Fonts/True type
Report package bugLicense: OFL
Summary: GFS Theokritos, a 20th century decorative Greek font family
Yannis Kefallinos (1894a..1958) was one of the most innovative engravers of his generation and the first who researched methodically the aesthetics of book and typographic design in Greece. He taught at the Fine Arts School of Athens and established the first book design workshop from which many practicing artists of the 60a.'s and 70a.'s had graduated. In the late 50a.'s Kefallinos designed and published an exquisite book with engraved illustrations of the ancient white funerary pottery in Attica in collaboration with Varlamos, Montesanto, Damianakis. For the text of Kefallinosa.' I.I.I.I. I.I.I.I.I.I. I.I.I.I.I.I.I. (1956) the artist used a typeface which he himself had designed a few years before for an unrealized edition of Theocritosa.' Idyls. Its complex and heavily decorative design does point to aesthetic codes which preoccupied his artistic expression and, although impractical for contemporary text setting, it remains an original display face, or it can be used as initials. The book design workshop of the Fine Arts School of Athens has been recently reorganized, under the direction of professor Leoni Vidali, and with her collaboration George D. Matthiopoulos has redesigned digitally this historical font which is now available as GFS Theokritos.
List of RPM packages built from this SRPM:
fonts-otf-gfs-theokritos (noarch)
fonts-otf-gfs-theokritos-doc (noarch)
fonts-otf-gfs-theokritos (noarch)
fonts-otf-gfs-theokritos-doc (noarch)
Maintainer: Igor Vlasenko
Last changed
Feb. 7, 2022 Igor Vlasenko 20070415-alt3_36
- update to new release by fcimport
Oct. 20, 2017 Igor Vlasenko 20070415-alt3_26
- update to new release by fcimport
July 26, 2016 Igor Vlasenko 20070415-alt3_24
- update to new release by fcimport