Package gem-dbi-dbrc: Information

    Source package: gem-dbi-dbrc
    Build time:  Aug 13, 2024, 12:27 PM
    Category: Development/Ruby
    Report package bug
    License: Apache-2.0
    Summary: A simple way to avoid hard-coding passwords with DBI
    The dbi-dbrc library provides an interface for storing database connection
    information, including passwords, in a locally secure file only accessible by
    you, or root. This allows you to avoid hard coding login and password
    information in your programs that require such information.
    This library can also be used to store login and password information for logins
    on remote hosts, not just databases.

    List of RPM packages built from this SRPM:
    gem-dbi-dbrc (noarch)
    gem-dbi-dbrc-devel (noarch)
    gem-dbi-dbrc-doc (noarch)

    List of contributors:
    Pavel Skrylev

      1. rpm-build-ruby
      2. gem(fakefs) >= 1.3
      3. gem(gpgme) >= 2.0.21
      4. gem(rubocop-rspec) >= 0
      5. gem(rake) >= 0
      6. gem(rexml) >= 3.2
      7. gem(rspec) >= 3.9
      8. gem(rubocop) >= 0

    Last changed

    Aug. 3, 2024 Pavel Skrylev
    - ^ 1.7.0 -> 1.7.0p24
    May 16, 2022 Pavel Skrylev 1.7.0-alt1
    - + packaged gem with Ruby Policy 2.0