Package imagination: Information

    Source package: imagination
    Version: 3.6-alt1
    Build time:  May 23, 2024, 02:34 PM
    Category: Graphics
    Report package bug
    License: GPLv2
    Summary: Imagination is a lightweight and simple DVD slide show maker
    Imagination is a lightweight and easy to use slide show maker for Linux
    and FreeBSD written in C language and built with the GTK+2 toolkit.

    List of RPM packages built from this SRPM:
    imagination (loongarch64)
    imagination-debuginfo (loongarch64)

    Maintainer: Andrey Cherepanov

    List of contributors:
    Andrey Cherepanov
    Pavel Moseev

      1. docbook-style-xsl
      2. intltool
      3. xsltproc
      4. libgtk+3-devel
      5. libsox-devel

    Last changed

    June 1, 2020 Andrey Cherepanov 3.6-alt1
    - new version 3.6
    Feb. 25, 2020 Andrey Cherepanov 3.5.1-alt1
    - New version 3.5.1.
    - Build with GTK+3.
    Jan. 30, 2020 Pavel Moseev 3.4-alt5
    - Add translation support to some files.
    - Update Russian translation (thanks Olesya Gerasimenko).