Package spam_check: Information

    Source package: spam_check
    Version: 0.2.5-alt8.20040310
    Build time:  Oct 23, 2023, 10:08 PM
    Category: System/Servers
    Report package bug
    License: GPL
    Summary: Adaptive spam-blocking tool for Postfix and sendmail
    Adaptive spam-blocking tool for postfix and sendmail

    List of RPM packages built from this SRPM:
    spam_check (noarch)

    Maintainer: Vladimir V Kamarzin

    List of contributors:
    Vladimir V Kamarzin

      1. perl-BerkeleyDB
      2. perl-File-Tail
      3. perl-base

    Last changed

    Dec. 8, 2009 Vladimir V Kamarzin 0.2.5-alt8.20040310
    - Thanslate all russian comments to english in all configs.
    - Modify some default settings:
      + cfg_log_watch_mode = 1
      + cfg_ignore_mask = '' (empty)
    - README.ALT: include block_list_arc.* to example settings
    - Fix rotation number in logrotate script.
    - Package accidently forgotten /var/lib/spam_check/blocklist
    Oct. 22, 2009 Vladimir V Kamarzin 0.2.5-alt7.20040310
    - Store blocklist in /var/lib/spam_check/ instead of /etc/spam_check/.
    - Strip ".txt" postfix from default blocklist names.
    - sources/spam_check.logrotate: add rotation of block_list_arc.
    -, quote variables, improve code appearance.
    -, use shell-error, rewrite config inclusion.
    - copy_bl.conf: add more variables.
    - use variables for accessing files.
    - fix quoting.
    May 20, 2008 Vladimir V Kamarzin 0.2.5-alt6.20040310
    - Add dependency on su(1)