Package Cultivation: Information

    Source package: Cultivation
    Version: 8-alt5
    Build time:  Nov 4, 2021, 03:44 AM
    Category: Games/Arcade
    Report package bug
    License: GPL
    Summary: Cultivation is a game about the interactions within a gardening community
    Cultivation is a game about a community of gardeners growing food
    for themselves in a shared space.
    Cultivation is quite different from most other games. It is a
    social simulation, and the primary form of conflict is over land
    and plant resources --- there is no shooting, but there are plenty
    of angry looks. It is also an evolution simulation. Within the
    world of Cultivation, you can explore a virtually infinite
    spectrum of different plant and gardener varieties.
    All of the graphics, sounds, melodies,and other content in
    Cultivation are 100% procedurally generated at playtime. In other
    words, there are no hand-painted texture maps --- instead, each
    object has a uniquely 'grown' appearance. Every time you play,
    Cultivation generates fresh visuals, music, and behaviors.

    List of RPM packages built from this SRPM:
    Cultivation (riscv64)
    Cultivation-debuginfo (riscv64)

    Maintainer: George V. Kouryachy

      1. gcc-c++
      2. libGLUT-devel
      3. desktop-file-utils

    Last changed

    Nov. 9, 2019 Michael Shigorin 8-alt5
    - E2K: fix superfluous optimization level
    - avoid tarball compression
    - partially enable parallel build
    - more reproducible installed file timestamps
    Oct. 18, 2018 Aleksei Nikiforov 8-alt4
    - NMU: rebuilt with libGLUT.
    Nov. 20, 2012 Eugeny A. Rostovtsev 8-alt3.1
    - Fixed build