Package sdlpop: Information

    Source package: sdlpop
    Version: 1.23-alt1
    Build time:  Dec 15, 2024, 07:21 PM
    Category: Games/Arcade
    Report package bug
    License: GPLv3
    Summary: An open-source port of Prince of Persia
    SDLPoP is an open-source port of Prince of Persia 1,
    that runs natively under Linux. It is based on the DOS
    version of the game, and uses SDL.
    Run the prince executable in a path were the original
    game data files are located.

    List of RPM packages built from this SRPM:
    sdlpop (riscv64)
    sdlpop-debuginfo (riscv64)

    Maintainer: Ildar Mulyukov

    List of contributors:
    Ildar Mulyukov
    Michael Shigorin

      1. gcc-c++
      2. cmake
      3. desktop-file-utils
      4. pkgconfig
      5. pkgconfig(SDL2_image)
      6. pkgconfig(SDL2_mixer)
      7. pkgconfig(sdl2)

    Last changed

    Jan. 20, 2024 Ildar Mulyukov 1.23-alt1
    - new version
    - fixed (ALT bug #39561)
    Jan. 16, 2021 Michael Shigorin 1.21-alt1
    - built for ALT (thanks openSUSE)
    Aug. 22, 2020 Martin Hauke <>
    - Update to version 1.21
      * Skeletons not on level 3 did not behave like skeletons.
      * Don't crash if the intro music is interrupted by Tab in PC
        Speaker mode.
      * Don't switch to PC Speaker mode if there is a mod name in the
        replay file.
      * Don't draw the right edge of loose floors on the left side of a
        potion or sword.
      * A guard standing on a door top (with floor) should not become
      * Left jump (top-left) didn't work on some gamepads.
      * Replaying from the command line did not work if there were no
        replay files in the replay folder.
      * Detect guard skill customizations in PRINCE.EXE. (Used in
        Illusions of Persia, for example.)
      * Added support for gamecontrollerdb.txt file.
      * Detect changes of the shadow's starting positions and
        automatic moves in PRINCE.EXE.
      * Added "Restart Game" to the pause menu, so now it's possible
        to restart the game using a controller.
      * Added fast forward.
      * You can now use quicksave and quickload while recording a
    - Drop patch:
      * 184.patch (fixed by upstream)