Package dspam-mysql: Information

    Binary package: dspam-mysql
    Version: 3.9.0-alt1.beta2.1
    Architecture: x86_64
    Build time:  Dec 6, 2010, 06:56 PM
    Source package: dspam
    Category: Networking/Mail
    Report package bug
    License: GPL
    Summary: DSPAM is an open-source, freely available anti-spam solution (MySQL storage)
    DSPAM is an open-source, freely available anti-spam solution designed to combat
    unsolicited commercial email using advanced statistical analysis. In short,
    DSPAM filters spam by learning what spam is and isn't by learning
    each user's individual mail behavior. This allows DSPAM to provide
    highly-accurate, personalized filtering for each user on even a large system
    and provides an administratively maintenance free solution capable of learning
    each user's email behaviors with very few false positives.

    Maintainer: Alexey Shentzev

    Last changed

    Dec. 6, 2010 Igor Vlasenko 3.9.0-alt1.beta2.1
    - rebuild with new libmysqlclient by request of libmysqlclient maintainer
    Sept. 18, 2009 Aleksey Avdeev 3.9.0-alt1.beta2
    - NMU
    - 3.9.0-BETA2 build
    - Fix dspam.init for use condrestart
    - Use logrotate for %_logdir/%name/%name.log (Closes: #13576)
    - Set %config(noreplace) for %_sysconfdir/cron.daily/%name-clean
    Aug. 20, 2009 Alexey Shentzev 3.9.0-alt1.alpha2
    - new version build