Package python-module-reno: Information

    Source package: python-module-reno
    Version: 1.2.0-alt1.1
    Build time:  Feb 19, 2016, 01:13 AM in the task #157136
    Copied in the task: #159983
    Report package bug
    License: ASL 2.0
    Summary: Release NOtes manager
    Reno is a release notes manager for storing
    release notes in a gitnrepository and then building documentation from them.
    Managing release notes for a complex project over a long period
    of time with many releases can be time consuming and error prone. Reno
    helps automate the hard parts.

    List of rpms provided by this srpm:
    python-module-reno (noarch)
    python3-module-reno (noarch)

    Maintainer: Mikhail Efremov

    List of contributors:
    Mikhail Efremov
    Alexey Shabalin

    Lenar Shakirov

      1. python3-module-hacking
      2. python3-module-html5lib
      3. python3-module-jinja2-tests
      4. python3-module-oslo.config
      5. python3-module-tox
      6. python3-module-yaml
      7. python3-module-yieldfrom.requests
      8. python-module-chardet
      9. python-module-hacking
      10. python-module-html5lib
      11. python-module-ndg-httpsclient
      12. python-module-ntlm
      13. python-module-oslo.config
      14. python-module-tox
      15. python-module-yaml
      16. rpm-build-python3

    Last changed

    Jan. 28, 2016 Mikhail Efremov 1.2.0-alt1.1
    - NMU: Use buildreq for BR.
    Dec. 29, 2015 Alexey Shabalin 1.2.0-alt1
    - Initial Package