Package x-cursor-theme-TheCandyman01: Specfile

%define		appsnum 109907
%define		themename TheCandyman01

Name:		x-cursor-theme-%themename
Version:	0.1
Release:	alt1
Summary:	%themename cursors for Xorg
License:	Artistic v2.0
Group:		System/X11
BuildArch:	noarch
Source:		%{themename}tar.gz
Packager:	Motsyo Gennadi <>

%themename X11 Mouse Theme
The Candyman For CursorXP Javier Aroche

the original version of CurXPTheme, can you see here:

%setup -q -n %themename

%__install -d %buildroot%_iconsdir/%themename
%__cp -a ./* %buildroot%_iconsdir/%themename/

%dir %_iconsdir/%themename
%dir %_iconsdir/%themename/cursors

* Sun Jan 10 2010 Motsyo Gennadi <> 0.1-alt1
- initial build for ALT Linux