Пакет chkrootkit: Specfile

# Conditional switches (ie. use with rpmbuild --rebuild):
#   --with glibc   Compile chkrootkit against glibc-static

%def_without glibc

%if_with glibc
Name: chkrootkit-glibc
Name: chkrootkit
Version: 0.48
Release: alt2

Summary: Check rootkits
Summary(ru_RU.KOI8-R): \xf0\xcf\xc9\xd3\xcb \xd4\xd2\xcf\xd1\xce\xd3\xcb\xc9\xc8 \xcb\xcf\xce\xc5\xca \xc9 \xda\xc1\xcb\xcc\xc1\xc4\xcf\xcb \xd7 \xd0\xd2\xcf\xc7\xd2\xc1\xcd\xcd\xc1\xc8

License: BSD
Group: Monitoring
Url: http://www.chkrootkit.org/
Packager: Slava Semushin <php-coder@altlinux.ru>

Source: ftp://ftp.pangeia.com.br/pub/seg/pac/%name-%version.tar.gz
Patch0: chkrootkit-alt-libpath.patch
Patch2: chkrootkit-0.45-alt-ifpromisc.patch
Patch3: strings.c.patch

Requires: binutils coreutils findutils sed gawk grep net-tools procps crontabs

%if_with glibc
BuildPreReq: glibc-devel-static
BuildPreReq: dietlibc

%define cron_daily %_sysconfdir/cron.daily

Chkrootkit is a tool to locally check for signs of a rootkit.

%description -l ru_RU.KOI8-R
Chkrootkit \xd1\xd7\xcc\xd1\xc5\xd4\xd3\xd1 \xce\xc1\xc2\xcf\xd2\xcf\xcd \xd5\xd4\xc9\xcc\xc9\xd4 \xc4\xcc\xd1 \xd0\xcf\xc9\xd3\xcb\xc1 \xd4\xd2\xcf\xd1\xce\xd3\xcb\xc9\xc8 \xcb\xcf\xce\xc5\xca \xc9 \xda\xc1\xcb\xcc\xc1\xc4\xcf\xcb
\xd0\xcf \xce\xc1\xc2\xcf\xd2\xd5 \xd3\xc9\xc7\xce\xc1\xd4\xd5\xd2 \xd7 \xd0\xd2\xcf\xc7\xd2\xc1\xcd\xcd\xc1\xc8 \xce\xc1 \xcc\xcf\xcb\xc1\xcc\xd8\xce\xcf\xcd \xcb\xcf\xcd\xd0\xd8\xc0\xd4\xc5\xd2\xc5.

%patch0 -p2 -b .libpath
%patch2 -p1

sed -i 's|@CHKROOTKIT_DIR@|%_libdir/%name|' %name

%if_with glibc
make               CFLAGS="-DHAVE_LASTLOG_H -DLASTLOG_FILENAME='\"/var/log/lastlog\"' -DWTEMP_FILENAME='\"/var/log/wtmp\"'" LDFLAGS=-static
make CC="diet gcc" CFLAGS="-DHAVE_LASTLOG_H -DLASTLOG_FILENAME='\"/var/log/lastlog\"' -DWTEMP_FILENAME='\"/var/log/wtmp\"' -Os  -s -static" LDFLAGS=-static

install -pD -m 755 chkrootkit %buildroot%_sbindir/chkrootkit

for p in chklastlog chkwtmp ifpromisc chkproc chkdirs check_wtmpx strings-static chkutmp; do
	install -pD -m 755 "$p" "%buildroot%_libdir/%name/$p"

mkdir -p %buildroot%cron_daily
cat > %buildroot%cron_daily/%name << __EOF__
%_sbindir/%name -q

%attr(700,root,root) %cron_daily/%name

* Tue Oct 14 2008 Slava Semushin <php-coder@altlinux.ru> 0.48-alt2
- Added Packager tag (noted by repocop)

* Mon Mar 10 2008 Slava Semushin <php-coder@altlinux.ru> 0.48-alt1
- Updated to 0.48 (#12777)
- Fixed tools location on x86_64 architecture (#13141)
- Fixed owner and group of /etc/cron.daily/chkrootkit script
- Spec cleanup

* Mon Feb 28 2005 Ilya Evseev <evseev@altlinux.ru> 0.45-alt1
- 0.45, revisited patchset:
  + P0 changed,
  + P1 removed (already in upstream)

* Fri Sep 10 2004 Ilya Evseev <evseev@altlinux.ru> 0.44-alt3
- ifpromisc.c was incompatible with glibc-kernheaders

* Fri Sep  6 2004 Ilya Evseev <evseev@altlinux.ru> 0.44-alt2
- 0.44
- specfile changes for ALT conventions
- diet libc is now used by default, use 'rpmbuild --rebuild --with glibc ...'
  for compiling against glibc-static
- omit error messages when chfn and chsh are not installed
- add cron.daily record

* Wed Jul 28 2004 Per Øyvind Karlsen <peroyvind@linux-mandrake.com> 0.43-1mdk
- 0.43
- regenerate P0
- drop useless prefix

* Sat Dec  6 2003 Frederic Lepied <flepied@mandrakesoft.com> 0.42b-1mdk
- rediff patch0
- 0.42b

* Tue Jul 01 2003 Oden Eriksson <oden.eriksson@kvikkjokk.net> 0.41-1mdk
- 0.41
- added rediffed patch by David Coe, thanks man!
- build statically against dietlibc per default (mr. lint hates this...)
- misc spec file fixes

* Sat Apr 05 2003 Oden Eriksson <oden.eriksson@kvikkjokk.net> 0.40-1mdk
- 0.40
- use spec file magic to enable builds against dietlibc

* Fri Jan 31 2003 Oden Eriksson <oden.eriksson@kvikkjokk.net> 0.39-1mdk
- 0.39
- rediff P0

* Mon Jan 27 2003 Oden Eriksson <oden.eriksson@kvikkjokk.net> 0.38-2mdk
- build release

* Sun Dec 29 2002 Frederic Lepied <flepied@mandrakesoft.com> 0.38-1mdk
- new version

* Wed Sep 18 2002 Oden Eriksson <oden.eriksson@kvikkjokk.net> 0.37-1mdk
- new version
- rediff
- misc spec file fixes

* Thu Jul  4 2002 Oden Eriksson <oden.eriksson@kvikkjokk.net> 0.36-1mdk
- new version
- added md5 file (S1)

* Mon Jan 21 2002 Frederic Lepied <flepied@mandrakesoft.com> 0.35-1mdk
- 0.35

* Wed May  9 2001 Frederic Lepied <flepied@mandrakesoft.com> 0.32-1mdk
- first version.

# end of file