Пакет perl-Perl-Tidy: Specfile

%define module		Perl-Tidy
%define m_distro	Perl-Tidy
%define m_name		Perl::Tidy
%define m_author_id	SHANCOCK
Name: perl-%module
Version: 20031021
Release: alt1.1

Summary: Parses and beautifies perl source
Summary(ru_RU.CP1251): \xd0\xe0\xe7\xe1\xe8\xf0\xe0\xe5\xf2 \xe8 \xf3\xeb\xf3\xf7\xf8\xe0\xe5\xf2 perl-\xea\xee\xe4
Group: Development/Perl
License: GPL

Url: http://search.cpan.org/dist/%module/
BuildArch: noarch
Source: %m_distro-%version.tar.bz2

BuildArch: noarch

BuildRequires: perl-devel

Perltidy is a tool to indent and reformat perl scripts. It can also
write scripts in html format.

%description -l ru_RU.CP1251
Perltidy - \xfd\xf2\xee \xe8\xed\xf1\xf2\xf0\xf3\xec\xe5\xed\xf2 \xe4\xeb\xff \xf1\xee\xe7\xe4\xe0\xed\xe8\xff \xee\xf2\xf1\xf2\xf3\xef\xee\xe2 \xe8 \xef\xe5\xf0\xe5\xf4\xee\xf0\xec\xe0\xf2\xe8\xf0\xee\xe2\xe0\xed\xe8\xff
\xef\xe5\xf0\xeb-\xf1\xea\xf0\xe8\xef\xf2\xee\xe2. \xce\xed \xf2\xe0\xea\xe6\xe5 \xec\xee\xe6\xe5\xf2 \xe2\xfb\xe2\xee\xe4\xe8\xf2\xfc \xf1\xea\xf0\xe8\xef\xf2\xfb \xe2 html-\xf4\xee\xf0\xec\xe0\xf2\xe5.

%package -n perltidy
Summary: A perl script indenter and reformatter
Summary(ru_RU.CP1251): \xd0\xe5\xf4\xee\xf0\xec\xe0\xf2\xe8\xf0\xf3\xe5\xf2 \xe8 \xe4\xe5\xeb\xe0\xe5\xf2 \xee\xf2\xf1\xf2\xf3\xef\xfb \xe2 \xef\xe5\xf0\xeb-\xf1\xea\xf0\xe8\xef\xf2\xe0\xf5
Requires: perl-Perl-Tidy
BuildArch: noarch
Group: Text tools

%description -n perltidy
Perltidy reads a perl script and writes an indented, reformatted script.

%description -l ru_RU.CP1251 -n perltidy
Perltidy \xf7\xe8\xf2\xe0\xe5\xf2 \xef\xe5\xf0\xeb-\xf1\xea\xf0\xe8\xef\xf2 \xe8 \xe7\xe0\xef\xe8\xf1\xfb\xe2\xe0\xe5\xf2 \xe5\xe3\xee \xee\xf2\xf4\xee\xf0\xec\xe0\xf2\xe8\xf0\xee\xe2\xe0\xed\xed\xfb\xec \xf1 \xee\xf2\xf1\xf2\xf3\xef\xe0\xec\xe8.

%setup -q -n %m_distro-%version



%doc CHANGES INSTALL README BUGS TODO examples docs/tutorial.pod docs/stylekey.pod

%files -n perltidy

* Sat Feb 19 2005 ALT QA Team Robot <qa-robot@altlinux.org> 20031021-alt1.1
- Rebuilt with rpm-build-perl-0.5.1.

* Mon Nov 24 2003 Andrey Brindeew <abr@altlinux.ru> 20031021-alt1
- 20031021
- Url and Summary was fixed.

* Wed Jul 30 2003 Andrey Brindeew <abr@altlinux.ru> 20030726-alt2
- Package splitted, added missed docs.

* Wed Jul 30 2003 Andrey Brindeew <abr@altlinux.ru> 20030726-alt1
- First build for ALTLinux.