Пакет ghc8.6.4-quickcheck: Информация

    Исходный пакет: ghc8.6.4-quickcheck
    Версия: 2.13.2-alt1
    Собран:  16 июля 2021 г. 10:00 в задании #278961
    Категория: Разработка/Haskell
    Сообщить об ошибке в пакете
    Домашняя страница: https://github.com/nick8325/quickcheck

    Лицензия: BSD3
    О пакете: Automatic testing of Haskell programs
    QuickCheck is a library for random testing of program properties. The
    programmer provides a specification of the program, in the form of
    properties which functions should satisfy, and QuickCheck then tests that
    the properties hold in a large number of randomly generated cases.
    Specifications are expressed in Haskell, using combinators provided by
    QuickCheck. QuickCheck provides combinators to define properties, observe
    the distribution of test data, and define test data generators.
    Most of QuickCheck's functionality is exported by the main
    "Test.QuickCheck" module. The main exception is the monadic property
    testing library in "Test.QuickCheck.Monadic".
    If you are new to QuickCheck, you can try looking at the following
    * The <http://www.cse.chalmers.se/~rjmh/QuickCheck/manual.html official
    QuickCheck manual>. It's a bit out-of-date in some details and doesn't
    cover newer QuickCheck features, but is still full of good advice. *
    <https://begriffs.com/posts/2017-01-14-design-use-quickcheck.html>, a
    detailed tutorial written by a user of QuickCheck.
    The <https://hackage.haskell.org/package/quickcheck-instances
    quickcheck-instances> companion package provides instances for types in
    Haskell Platform packages at the cost of additional dependencies.

    Список rpm-пакетов, предоставляемых данным srpm-пакетом:
    ghc8.6.4-quickcheck (x86_64, ppc64le, i586, armh, aarch64)

    Сопровождающий: Denis Smirnov

    Список участников:
    Denis Smirnov

      1. python3-module-mpl_toolkits
      2. python3-module-yieldfrom
      3. libdb4-devel
      4. ghc8.6.4-adldap
      5. ghc8.6.4-asn1-parse
      6. ghc8.6.4-base-noprelude
      7. ghc8.6.4-blaze-builder
      8. ghc8.6.4-bytestring-encoding
      9. ghc8.6.4-case-insensitive
      10. ghc8.6.4-cmark-gfm
      11. ghc8.6.4-co-log
      12. ghc8.6.4-common
      13. ghc8.6.4-cpphs
      14. ghc8.6.4-cryptonite
      15. ghc8.6.4-data-default-class
      16. ghc8.6.4-doc
      17. ghc8.6.4-echo
      18. ghc8.6.4-edit-distance
      19. ghc8.6.4-entropy
      20. ghc8.6.4-filemanip
      21. ghc8.6.4-generic-deriving
      22. ghc8.6.4-glob
      23. ghc8.6.4-hackage-security
      24. ghc8.6.4-haddock-library
      25. ghc8.6.4-hfuse
      26. ghc8.6.4-hscolour
      27. ghc8.6.4-hslogger
      28. ghc8.6.4-hslua
      29. ghc8.6.4-hsyaml
      30. ghc8.6.4-http
      31. ghc8.6.4-hxt-charproperties
      32. ghc8.6.4-ipynb
      33. ghc8.6.4-juicypixels
      34. ghc8.6.4-markdown-unlit
      35. ghc8.6.4-mime-types
      36. ghc8.6.4-optparse-applicative
      37. ghc8.6.4-pem
      38. ghc8.6.4-regex-tdfa
      39. ghc8.6.4-relude
      40. ghc8.6.4-resolv
      41. ghc8.6.4-safe
      42. ghc8.6.4-sandi
      43. ghc8.6.4-sha
      44. ghc8.6.4-socks
      45. ghc8.6.4-splitmix
      46. ghc8.6.4-streaming-commons
      47. ghc8.6.4-syb
      48. ghc8.6.4-tagsoup
      49. ghc8.6.4-temporary
      50. ghc8.6.4-unicode-transforms
      51. ghc8.6.4-utf8-string
      52. ghc8.6.4-xml
      53. ghc8.6.4-zip-archive
      54. haskell(abi) = 8.6.4
      55. python-modules-compiler

    Последнее изменение

    21 июня 2020 г. Denis Smirnov 2.13.2-alt1
    - Spec created by cabal2rpm 0.20_10