Пакет drools2: Информация

    Исходный пакет: drools2
    Версия: 2.5-alt4_2jpp5
    Собран:  30 августа 2011 г. 13:13
    Категория: Разработка/Java
    Сообщить об ошибке в пакете
    Домашняя страница: http://legacy.drools.codehaus.org/

    Лицензия: BSD
    О пакете: Drools Rules Engine (Legacy)
    Drools is a Rules Engine implementation based on Charles
    Forgy's Rete algorithm tailored for the Java language.
    Adapting Rete to an object-oriented interface allows for
    more natural expression of business rules with regards to
    business objects. Drools is written in Java, but able to run
    on Java and .Net.
    Drools is designed to allow pluggeable language
    implementations. Currently rules can be written in Java,
    Python and Groovy. More importantly, Drools provides for
    Declarative Programming and is flexible enough to match the
    semantics of your problem domain with Domain Specific
    Languages (DSL) via XML using a Schema defined for your
    problem domain. DSLs consist of XML elements and attributes
    that represent the problem domain.
    Drools is now a JBoss JEMS product.

    Список rpm-пакетов, предоставляемых данным srpm-пакетом:
    drools2 (noarch)
    drools2-javadoc (noarch)

    Сопровождающий: Igor Vlasenko

    Список участников:
    Igor Vlasenko

      1. easymock-classextension
      2. easymock-java5
      3. ecj
      4. /proc
      5. jakarta-commons-jci
      6. jakarta-commons-logging
      7. jakarta-poi
      8. janino
      9. jpackage-1.5.0-compat
      10. jpackage-utils >= 0:1.7.5
      11. jython
      12. saxon
      13. saxon-scripts
      14. spring-beans
      15. spring-context
      16. spring-core
      17. antlr
      18. asm
      19. maven1 >= 0:1.1
      20. maven1-plugin-changelog
      21. maven1-plugin-checkstyle
      22. maven1-plugin-developer-activity
      23. maven1-plugin-file-activity
      24. maven1-plugin-html2xdoc
      25. maven1-plugin-jdepend
      26. maven1-plugin-jxr
      27. maven1-plugin-license
      28. maven1-plugin-multiproject
      29. maven1-plugin-pmd
      30. maven1-plugin-test
      31. maven1-plugin-war
      32. maven1-plugin-xdoc
      33. maven1-plugins-base
      34. cglib
      35. checkstyle4
      36. checkstyle4-optional
      37. xerces-j2
      38. groovy
      39. xml-commons-jaxp-1.3-apis

    Последнее изменение

    30 августа 2011 г. Igor Vlasenko 0:2.5-alt4_2jpp5
    - use maven1
    14 февраля 2011 г. Igor Vlasenko 0:2.5-alt3_2jpp5
    - fixed build
    19 мая 2010 г. Igor Vlasenko 0:2.5-alt2_2jpp5
    - selected java5 compiler explicitly