Пакет perl-Text-Xslate: Specfile

Name: perl-Text-Xslate
Version: 1.0012
Release: alt1
Summary: Text::Xslate - Scalable template engine for Perl5

Group: Development/Perl
License: Perl
Url: http://search.cpan.org/~gfuji/Text-Xslate/

Source: %name-%version.tar
BuildRequires: perl-devel perl-Mouse perl-MouseX-Getopt perl-Test-Requires perl-Data-MessagePack perl-Any-Moose perl-parent perl-Module-Install-XSUtil perl-Module-Install-TestTarget perl-Module-Install-AuthorTests perl-unicore perl-autodie perl-CGI perl-Encode-JP perl-podlators

Xslate is a template engine for Perl5 with the following features:
* Extremely fast - Up to 50~100 times faster than TT2!
* Supports multiple template syntaxes - TT2 compatible syntax,
  for example
* Easy to enhance - by importing subroutines and/or by calling
  object methods
* Safe - Escapes HTML meta characters by default

%setup -q

%def_without test
%perl_vendor_build INSTALLMAN1DIR=%_man1dir

# Test t/020_interface/005_util.t failed due to change of
# shebang #!perl -> #!/usr/bin/perl after _perl_vendor_fixin().
# Fixing test
sed -i 's|^#!perl -w$|#!/usr/bin/perl -w|' t/020_interface/005_util.t
make test 


%doc Changes README HACKING 

* Sat Mar 05 2011 Vladimir Lettiev <crux@altlinux.ru> 1.0012-alt1
- New version 1.0012

* Thu Mar 03 2011 Vladimir Lettiev <crux@altlinux.ru> 1.0011-alt1
- New version 1.0011

* Thu Feb 17 2011 Vladimir Lettiev <crux@altlinux.ru> 1.0008-alt1
- initial build