Пакет lp_solve: Specfile

%def_disable static

%define origname lpsolve
%define libname lib%origname

%define lp_branch 5.5
%define lp_subver 2.0

Name: lp_solve
Version: %lp_branch.%lp_subver
Release: alt1

Summary: Tool that solves linear programming problem
License: LGPL
Group: Sciences/Mathematics

Url: http://sourceforge.net/projects/lpsolve
Source: %{name}_%{version}_source.tar.gz
Patch0: lp_solve-
Patch1: lpsolve-
Packager: Michael Shigorin <mike@altlinux.org>

Summary(pl): Narz\xeadzie do rozwi\xb1zywania problemu programowania liniowego

Tool that solves linear programming problem using Simplex algorithm.

%description -l pl
Narz\xeadzie do rozwi\xb1zywania problemu programowania liniowego przy

%package -n %libname
Summary: Library that solves linear programming problem
Summary(pl): Biblioteka do rozwi\xb1zywania problemu programowania liniowego
Group: Sciences/Mathematics

%description -n %libname
Library that solves linear programming problem using Simplex algorithm.

%description -n %libname -l pl
Biblioteka do rozwi\xb1zywania problemu programowania liniowego przy
u\xbfyciu algorytmu Simplex.

%package -n %libname-devel
Summary: %libname header files
Summary(pl): Pliki nag\xb3\xf3wkowe biblioteki %libname
Group: Development/C
Requires: %libname = %version-%release

%description -n %libname-devel
%libname header files.

%description -n %libname-devel -l pl
Pliki nag\xb3\xf3wkowe biblioteki %libname.

%if_enabled static
%package -n %libname-devel-static
Summary: Static %libname library
Summary(pl): Statyczna biblioteka liblpk
Group: Development/C
Requires: %libname-devel = %version-%release

%description -n %libname-devel-static
Static %libname library.

%description -n %libname-devel-static -l pl
Statyczna biblioteka %libname.

%setup -n %{name}_%lp_branch
%patch1 -p1

cd lpsolve55
sh -x ccc
rm bin/ux*/liblpsolve55.a
cd ../lp_solve
sh -x ccc

#make test

install -d %buildroot{%_bindir,%_libdir,%_includedir/%name}
install -pm755 lp_solve/bin/ux*/lp_solve %buildroot%_bindir/
install -pm755 lpsolve55/bin/ux*/liblpsolve55.so %buildroot%_libdir/
install -pm644 lp*.h %buildroot%_includedir/%name
ln -s %name %buildroot%_includedir/%origname

%doc README.txt bfp/bfp_LUSOL/LUSOL/LUSOL*.txt

%files -n %libname

%files -n %libname-devel

%if_enabled static
%files -n %libname-devel-static

# - reintroduce dynamic libcolamd, see PLD shared patch,
#   http://cvs.pld-linux.org/cgi-bin/cvsweb/SPECS/lp_solve.spec?rev=1.16

* Sat Sep 24 2011 Michael Shigorin <mike@altlinux.org>
- had to disable tests (no target as well as no makefile), alas

* Fri Sep 18 2009 Michael Shigorin <mike@altlinux.org>
- built for Sisyphus
  + based on *heavily* cleaned up Daedalus spec
    - I've seen no such violent macro exaltation before!!
  + also looked into current PLD and Rawhide specs
- dropped PLD spec from docs, cvs.pld-linux.org is better source
- dropped patch1 (seems applied upstream)
- tweaked patch0
  + then replaced patch0 with PLD one
  + then updated it for
  + then postponed shared colamd and stuck Fedora patch instead
- redone build in Fedora-like manner (so that it at least builds)
- introduced %%check section

* Mon May 22 2006 Aleksey Avdeev <solo@altlinux.ru>
- Porting in PLD (lp_solve-3.2-1), see lp_solve.PLD.spec (original spec
  in docs)
- Use aclocal, libtoolize and automake if automake version >= "1.9.6"