Пакет wxGTK-doc: Specfile

Name: wxGTK-doc
Version: 2.8.0
Release: alt0.1

Summary: Documentation for the wxWidgets in HTML
Summary(ru_RU.KOI8-R): \xe4\xcf\xcb\xd5\xcd\xc5\xce\xd4\xc1\xc3\xc9\xd1 \xc4\xcc\xd1 wxWidgets \xd7 HTML

Packager: Vitaly Lipatov <lav@altlinux.ru>

License: LGPL
Group: Development/C++
Url: http://www.wxwidgets.org/docs.htm

BuildArch: noarch
AutoReqProv: no

Provides: wxGTK2-doc
Obsoletes: wxGTK2-doc

Source: http://dl.sf.net/wxwindows/wxWidgets-%version-HTML.tar.bz2
#Source1: wx-docs-extra-html.tar.bz2

Documentation for the Python programming language, interpreter,
and bundled module library in the HTML format.

%description -l ru_RU.CP1251
\xc4\xee\xea\xf3\xec\xe5\xed\xf2\xe0\xf6\xe8\xff \xef\xee \xff\xe7\xfb\xea\xf3 \xef\xf0\xee\xe3\xf0\xe0\xec\xec\xe8\xf0\xee\xe2\xe0\xed\xe8\xff Python, \xe5\xe3\xee \xe8\xed\xf2\xe5\xf0\xef\xf0\xe5\xf2\xe0\xf2\xee\xf0\xf3
\xe8 \xf0\xe0\xf1\xef\xf0\xee\xf1\xf2\xf0\xe0\xed\xff\xe5\xec\xee\xe9 \xf1 \xed\xe8\xec \xe1\xe8\xe1\xeb\xe8\xee\xf2\xe5\xea\xe5 \xec\xee\xe4\xf3\xeb\xe5\xe9, \xe2 \xf4\xee\xf0\xec\xe0\xf2\xe5 HTML.

%setup -q -n html
#%setup -q -n wxWidgets-%version

%doc *

* Sun Dec 24 2006 Vitaly Lipatov <lav@altlinux.ru> 2.8.0-alt0.1
- new version
- rename package to wxGTK-doc

* Sun May 21 2006 Vitaly Lipatov <lav@altlinux.ru> 2.6.3-alt0.1
- new version 2.6.3 (with rpmrb script)
- contribs is left

* Tue Nov 01 2005 Vitaly Lipatov <lav@altlinux.ru> 2.6.2-alt1
- new version (docs-extra is missed)

* Sun Apr 17 2005 Vitaly Lipatov <lav@altlinux.ru> 2.5.5-alt1
- first release for ALT Linux Sisyphus