Пакет cve-check-tool: Specfile

Name: cve-check-tool
Version: 5.6.4
Release: alt2.git.cbc2d0e.1
Summary: Command line tool for checking known (public) CVEs
Group: Other
License: GPLv2
Url: https://github.com/ikeydoherty/cve-check-tool
Source0: %name-%version-%release.tar

BuildRequires: libcurl-devel libgio-devel libsqlite3-devel libssl-devel libxml2-devel

The tool will identify potentially vunlnerable software packages within Linux
distributions through version matching. Where possible it will also seek to
determine (through a distribution implemention) if a vulnerability has been
addressed by way of a patch.

%setup -n %name-%version-%release




* Wed Aug 29 2018 Grigory Ustinov <grenka@altlinux.org> 5.6.4-alt2.git.cbc2d0e.1
- NMU: Rebuild with new openssl 1.1.0.

* Mon Apr 10 2018 Alexandr Antonov <aas@altlinux.org> 5.6.4-alt2.git.cbc2d0e
- Fixed field line breaks in a readable form (Closes: 33940)

* Wed Jun 14 2017 Sergey Novikov <sotor@altlinux.org> 5.6.4-alt1.git.cbc2d0e
- Add upstream commits to fix update error
- 5.6.4 Initial build for ALT