Пакет lua5.3-module-luafilesystem: Specfile

%define target_lua_version 5.3

# Original package name LuaFileSystem
%define oname luafilesystem
%define oversion 1.7.0-2
%define otagversion 1_7_0_2
%define rockspec luafilesystem-1.7.0-2.rockspec
Name: lua%target_lua_version-module-%oname
Version: 1.7.0
Release: alt1_lr2
Summary: File System Library for the Lua Programming Language
License: MIT/X11
Group: Development/Other
Url: http://www.keplerproject.org/luafilesystem/
Provides: luarocks%target_lua_version(%oname) = %EVR

%if "%target_lua_version" == "5.3"
Obsoletes: lua-module-%oname < %version
Provides: lua-module-%oname = %version
Obsoletes: lua5-%oname < %version
Provides: lua5-%oname = %version

# https://github.com/keplerproject/luafilesystem/archive/v1_7_0_2.tar.gz
Source: %oname-%otagversion.tar.gz
Source1: https://luarocks.org/manifests/luarocks/luafilesystem-1.7.0-2.rockspec

BuildPreReq: rpm-macros-lua >= 1.4
# Automatically added by buildreq on ...
BuildRequires: liblua%target_lua_version-devel lua%target_lua_version-luarocks

      LuaFileSystem is a Lua library developed to complement the set of
      functions related to file systems offered by the standard Lua
      distribution. LuaFileSystem offers a portable way to access the
      underlying directory structure and file attributes.

%setup -n %oname-%otagversion

%luarocks_make %SOURCE1
%luarocks_move_docs doc

for t in %buildroot%luarocks_dbdir/%oname/%oversion/tests/* ; do
  lua%target_lua_version $t

%doc README* docs_from_rockstree/*
%exclude %luarocks_dbdir/manifest

* Fri Jun 07 2019 Ildar Mulyukov <ildar@altlinux.ru> 1.7.0-alt1_lr2
- autogenerated by lrimport
- restuctured according to https://www.altlinux.org/Lua_Policy

* Thu Jul 13 2017 Aleksei Nikiforov <darktemplar@altlinux.org> 1.6.2-alt2
- Rebuild with new luarocks and lua-5.3

* Mon Oct 06 2014 Ildar Mulyukov <ildar@altlinux.ru> 1.6.2-alt1_lr2
- autogenerated by lrimport

* Thu Jan 06 2011 Ildar Mulyukov <ildar@altlinux.ru> 1.5.0-alt1_lr1
- autogenerated by lrimport