Пакет xtermcontrol: Specfile
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only %define _unpackaged_files_terminate_build 1 %define _stripped_files_terminate_build 1 %set_verify_elf_method strict Name: xtermcontrol Version: 3.8 Release: alt1 Summary: Dynamic control of XFree86 xterm properties License: GPL-2.0-or-later Group: System/XFree86 Url: https://thrysoee.dk/xtermcontrol/ Vcs: https://github.com/JessThrysoee/xtermcontrol Source: %name-%version.tar %{?!_without_check:%{?!_disable_check: BuildRequires: /dev/pts BuildRequires: xterm BuildRequires: xvfb-run }} %description makes it easy to change colors, title, font and geometry of a running XFree86 xterm(1), as well as to report the current settings of the aforementioned properties. %prep %setup %build %add_optflags %(getconf LFS_CFLAGS) %autoreconf %configure %make_build %install %makeinstall_std %check xvfb-run xterm -e 'make test >&3 2>&1; echo $? > exitcode' 3>&1 | cat -v exit $(cat exitcode) %files %doc ChangeLog %_bindir/xtermcontrol %_man1dir/xtermcontrol.1* %changelog * Mon Dec 25 2023 Vitaly Chikunov <vt@altlinux.org> 3.8-alt1 - First import 3.8 (2021-05-04). |