Пакет tao-cosnaming: Информация

    Бинарный пакет: tao-cosnaming
    Версия: 1.6.8-alt3.svn20090220
    Архитектура: i586
    Собран:  19 мая 2009 г. 9:20
    Исходный пакет: ace-tao-ciao
    Категория: Сети/Прочее
    Сообщить об ошибке в пакете
    Домашняя страница: http://www.cs.wustl.edu/~schmidt/ACE.html

    Лицензия: DOC License
    О пакете: The TAO CORBA Naming Service (CosNaming) and Interoperable Naming Service (INS)
    OMG defined CORBA Naming Service to provide a basic service location
    mechanism for CORBA systems. CosNaming manages a hierarchy of
    name-to-object-reference mappings. Anything, but typically the server
    process hosting an object, may bind an object reference with a name in
    the Naming Service by providing the name and object
    reference. Interested parties (typically clients) can then use the
    Naming Service to resolve a name to an object reference.
    More recently, CORBA Naming Service was subsumed/extended by the CORBA
    Interoperable Naming Service, a.k.a. INS. INS inherits all the
    functionality from the original Naming Service specification in
    addition to addressing some its shortcomings. In particular, INS
    defines a standard way for clients and servers to locate the Naming
    Service itself. It also allows the ORB to be administratively
    configured for bootstrapping to services not set up with the orb at
    install time.

    Сопровождающий: Eugeny A. Rostovtsev

    Список участников:
    Eugeny A. Rostovtsev

    Последнее изменение

    19 мая 2009 г. Eugeny A. Rostovtsev 5.6.8-alt3.svn20090220
    - Removed calling install-info from post/preun triggers
    15 мая 2009 г. Eugeny A. Rostovtsev 5.6.8-alt2.svn20090220
    - Rebuild with gcc 4.4
    - Added lsb init headers and condstop targets into init scripts
    27 марта 2009 г. Eugeny A. Rostovtsev 5.6.8-alt1.svn20090220
    - Initial build for Sisyphus